Delete Delete Delete

  • 1000 rigs in the KPA - SO MUCH!

    That was my thoughts when I first read about the KPA ...

    ... know I know more - 1000 is way to little :D

    or ?

    Yes, it's a little bit of work to get rid of some stuff.

    Here are some hint?

    In most cases is it enough to keep one or two profile per amp channel.
    So you need e.g. max 8 profiles of the Diezel VH4 - try which ones works best - delete the rest!

    In case you own more than one guitar you may need more than one or two profiles per amp channel.

    There are profiles for single coil guitars - like vintage Fender amps.
    Others work best with high output humbuckers - like some metal amps.

    So don't try to match each amp for each of your guitars.

    You have profiles of the same amp form different sources?
    Check which ones works best for you - delete the rest.

    Create a backing track with the kind of music you like for each amp/guitar.

    Check how the profiles work in the mix - if it does not sound great - delete
    (You may keep a few profiles which sound great without other instruments - just for the fun of it - but in general should a good profile work in a band mix

    The KPA is only as good as your profiles - so delete the stuff which does not work for you - even if you have paid for it.
    Unlike after selling real amps - you can always load the profiles back into your KPA after some time.

    If you have some space again - you are free to load new stuff
    It's like breathing - breath in - breath out ;)

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    Great Profiles -->

  • Great tips! I've been trying to get down to 5 main "Amps"...which is more than i've ever owned at once, so you'd think it'd be easy. Then treating one profile from each of these amps as the primary setting (as if I had that real amp set to those controls sitting in front of me), then adding effects as if I had a pedal board for each one. This has been a huge help in trimming down the profiles! Turns out I don't need 300 flavors of fender amps. ;)

  • Great advice Armin but I'm am a horder/collector!
    I know what needs to be done, I start off with best intentions and then get lost in a mist of tones and my resolve just disappears....
    And then point 6 kicks in and I'm back to 987.......

  • Great advice Armin but I'm am a horder/collector!
    I know what needs to be done, I start off with best intentions and then get lost in a mist of tones and my resolve just disappears....
    And then point 6 kicks in and I'm back to 987.......

    Same here - I try hard to be under 900 - the problem is - I created more than 2000 up to now :rolleyes:

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->