Rig Access via Performance Mode

  • I'm using my KPA mostly in Performance Mode during my live-gigs and also in our rehearsals. For this reason I have created a few basic-rig-sounds (f.e. nice clean crunch and lead sounds) in Browser mode an have copied them in different performances-slots, because I use them in a lot of songs.

    The problem in live-situations is, that when I'm optimizing a rig-sound f.e. in performance 1 slot 1 (f.e. to match my sound to the surrounding for a optimum stage sound) I cannot use the result in all the different performance-slots automatically. I have to copy it first, which -for sure- can not be managed in live situation (when using many performances).

    The reason for this is, that the used rig in performance mode don't refer to the "original created Rig" in the Browser-Mode, because it is only a copy of the rig.

    I think, for the KPA-live-use it would be more conveniant, that every rig in performance mode is a copy of the original rig in Browser Mode, so that a change to a rig (via Browser- or via Performance-Mode) is valid in each place where this rig is used. (I hope I'm not confusing anyone)

    So it could be a really necessary feature, to be able to create rigs in browser-mode and then f.e. tag them as "global". Any change to those "global-rigs" f.e. in performance mode then cause a change of this rig also in Browser-mode so that automatically this rig-change is done in all the other referring performance-slots.

    May this be a feature of the future (hopefully) :?:

  • That could be a difficult one to work I think.... I use different guitars in Performance mode so parameters wouldn't be global as such to every setting..

    I think I understand what you are saying.

    What parameters ( apart from E.Q. ) do you typically tweak / change for your stage sound on any given night ? If its just E.Q then that can be done on your Monitor Output section

  • I agree, a good way to achieve all cases should be :
    - the performance rigs always point to a "browser mode" one
    - When a browse rig is assigned to a performance slot, the device simply asks if we want the original, or a copy. In the last case, it creates a copy (accessible to the browse mode too).
    - A good thing should be that these copies should be tagged by a "performance slot" just like "favorite". So we could imagine that in browser mode, it is possible to filter to show or hide the performance copies.

    By this way :
    * By always asking "yes" when the device asking for a copy ... the behaviour is the same than the current one.
    * By creating a copy, you can edit a rig either in performance mode or in browser mode.
    * And you can also create performance by pointing the same rig (and then, editing all of them at the same time)

    Robman : a interresting case to use pointer to a same rig is : when you have multiple performance that use the same sound (multiple song use the same particular sound). If you decide to update your sound, you need to re-affect all performance slot to this new sound

  • +666 :)

  • How many performances are you using? How many different rigs? Could it be an option to stick with browser mode only and program PC's accordingly, even having the same rig stored on different channels? That way you would have it 'global' and still you could place different rigs in a consecutive order for the different songs. Though, you are limited to 128 slots, then.

  • :thumbup: that's it.

    +666 :)