Rig Manager

  • 1. This, the Librarian, is the Holy Grail many of us were searching for. Provided, unexpected, and free. Kemper Team: YOU GUYS FRIGGIN' ROCK, DUDES!

    2. "I can program this during my lunch break". Uh, no you can't. That's called a "Kludge" and is the cause of most software company failures. This unit requires ROBUST software integration. It's a small team doing jack-of-all-trades work. Some things do just take time. Any real programmer knows that.

    3. "I know this, I offered my services, they didn't take me in". Well I'm sure after 15 years of dealing with international success on products, SECURITY is a huge deal to CK. There are many pitfalls sharing code with strangers over the internet. And there is always the possibility of someone trying to sabotage their efforts. It's a cut throat competitive market out there, and industrial espionage is THE PREFERRED METHOD between countries and within countries. So don't take it personal, it's probably a security measure.

    4. Windows has the largest share. Deal with it. Macs come next. It's coming. You don't like it? This reminds me of the 2 weeks of snow that shut down NYC last winter. People fussed that the town should have been "ready" and had it all shoveled away so people could get on with their lives. My mother said "when I was young, snow storms routinely shut down the city for a week or two" Back in the 40's, 50's, 60's. People today are like teenagers: Impatient, and Ungrateful. Grow up!

    Did I say Thank You to the Kemper Team? I did? Well let me thank you again: Great Job Team!

  • Question for the devs: Once we have the Librarian software, will the Kemper show up in Windows Explorer with the ability to copy/paste/browse manually, as if we were just looking at a KPA USB stick? If so, perhaps the same thing on Mac would be an easier thing to push out, just to tide the Apple folks over until they can have the full software. Just a suggestion.

  • Another Mac user but this news is Awesome!!! I can't wait to get it on my Mac.

    I have one prediction - The rig exchange ratings will get much more utilized (more ratings provided out of the convenience of previewing) and (generally speaking) the ratings will be much more accurate. That's going to be very helpful too.

    Waving arms to beta test Mac version please!

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I have one prediction - The rig exchange ratings will get much more utilized (more ratings provided out of the convenience of previewing) and (generally speaking) the ratings will be much more accurate.

    Definitely. The biggest improvement to the RE yet.

  • i really don't understand the clamoring for an editor. the unit itself is a much better editor than any software could be, with the exception of text entry...which it appears the rigmanager software will provide.

    simultaneous mac/win release would have been nice, but it's lunacy people can't wait 6 months for it. 5 years ago there was no kemper amplifier. 20 years ago there were no decent modelers. 40 years ago amps didn't have separate distortion and master volume controls! freakin chill.

  • i really don't understand the clamoring for an editor. the unit itself is a much better editor than any software could be, with the exception of text entry...which it appears the rigmanager software will provide.

    And this my friends is the TRUTH!!!

    I've had every Editor ever written for all the Line 6 Pods, the Vox Tonelab, 11R, Magicstomps, etc, etc, and the Kemper front panel is the best Editor I've ever used.
    Which of course was Christophe's intention from the very beginning, to put the most advanced Editor ever on the front panel of the actual unit, making it arguably the smartest piece of guitar gear ever invented.

  • It's a good editor for the basics, but diving through the menus for stomp etc fx settings or advanced settings is no where near as clean as it would be with a PC editor. You can just get more info on screen.

  • +1 to MS, he noted the most incredible feature of the new librarian, i.e. the ability to preview rigs. It would be awesome to have every rig on the exchange on my PC (haha, take that Mac lusers hahahaha! sorry ;) ) and then be able to pick and choose from the desktop without having to manually load each rig before I try it, delete it, etc.

    I think some people have got this confused with an editor though. I think it's just a librarian, hence the name. Being able to manage the 800 or so rigs on my Kemper will be a real blessing.

    Have patience, Mac guys. It is definitely coming. None of us PC users have got anything as yet either, but be sure: it is coming.

  • This actually looks like a young intern has played the first time with some .NET programming ... ;)

    Hope not. OTOH, it is often a sign of a bad choice of developer-tools when software that is targeted for multiple platforms isn't released for all platforms at the same time. That's my experience from 25 years of software developement. The signs are disturbing, but I hope I'm wrong about this. Given proper tools all source, except a tiny bit of USB-comms-code should be nearly identical for all major platforms.

  • The instant audition is porbably the best feature here , but I wonder if the uploading of rigs to the Rig Ex. will be available from the RIG manager.

    Beta users ? is it possible ? that would be awesome and we would see lots more profiles on the Rig Ex.

  • Hope not. OTOH, it is often a sign of a bad choice of developer-tools when software that is targeted for multiple platforms isn't released for all platforms at the same time. That's my experience from 25 years of software developement. The signs are disturbing, but I hope I'm wrong about this. Given proper tools all source, except a tiny bit of USB-comms-code should be nearly identical for all major platforms.

    This isn't disturbing at all. If you want to provide a platform specific look&feel, integration, communicate with network and hardware devices, off-the-shelf cross platform tools are usually useless. And "i've seen them all"™... ;) (in a similar time frame)