Bogner XTC 20th profiles

  • I cannot understand how these profiles got by without anyone mentioning them.. The red channel profile is killing it for leads. It may replace my Shiva profile I have been using.

    Thanks Thomas!

  • +10

    Tried them last night and I really liked them.
    The Blue chan. worked fine with just upping the mid and the treble (for my taste/guitar) and the Red were damn fine just as it was!

    I really liked the clean one using humbuckers, but it was waaayyy to thin and spanky with single-coils.
    If You have another profiling session planned ;) I'd love to have another clean profile suitable for single-coils. :whistling:

    I think the blue and red will become the base of many rings in my KPA... :thumbup:

  • Bogner XTC 20th profiles By Thomas Kruck are VERY nice. I own an XTC 20th and they seem to get very close..

    I agree on the red and blue rigs
    I have a Bogner XTC 20th anniversary to, and the clean rigs sounds totaly different than my Bogner ( at least like the way that I personaly tune my Bogner :D )
    The blue and red rigs worked fine :thumbup::D

    Edited 5 times, last by Dorrus ().