2.3.2b Tap Tempo/Beat Scanner?

  • Up until 2.3.1 my tap tempo using my FCB worked flawlessly.

    With 2.3 and beyond Tap tempo no longer works. If I want some form of in time delay I MUST hold down the FCB switch and put the KPA into Beat Scanner mode.

    3 Questions:-

    1) Beat Scanner should be optional with a switch (on/off) ??

    2) Why doesn't the tap tempo function now work using my FCB? I have an UNO chip in the FCB that is not the UNO/KPA chip.

    3) This appears to render the FCB useless now for Tap Tempo, this can't be correct surely?

  • Uno4Kemper 1.3 will be released soon, the Beat Scanner and Tap Tempo will both work.

    That's TERRIBLE news. That kills off my (fantastic) UNO PC editor that I paid Xavier for as my FCB has the latest (fantastic) UNO chip. I'm not interested in the UNO4KPA as it limits the FCB way too much
    for my use PLUS I use the FCB with my other gear.

    There has to be a solution that fits all and if not there's been a serious oversight. That means the FCB is totally useless as a controller with an UNO4KPA in it for other use.
    If this is the case that means there is ALREADY a KFC but it hasn't been officially announced that it's actually the FCB with UNO4KPA.

    Can anyone from team Kemper chime in on this please?

  • This is an addition to the manual:

    To take advantage of the hold function, your switch must transmit a MIDI message when pressed (key-on) and released (key-off), otherwise the Profiler would not notice that the switch is released. Program your remote device so that it sends a value 1 or 127 on key-on, and a zero on key-off. Some remote devices are not able to send a key-off event. In this case you cannot take advantage of the hold function, unfortunately. In this case send a value zero for the key-on event, so the hold function does not get triggered accidentally.

    For the FCB:
    Since it is not capable to send a value on key-off, set the value of the Tap button to zero to prevent the beat scanner activation.

  • You can program the regular UnO chip to send a CC with value 1 on press and value 0 on release. See UnO user guide p.7 ( CC “MOMENTARY” TOGGLING )
    Since you seem to be using Uno/FCB ControlCenter, it's very easy: there's a "stomp pedal" icon and a "momentary pedal" icon next to each stomp switch. Click the "momentary" icon for the tempo switch.