UNO4Kemper FCB1010 Volume Pedal Question - Control Monitor Volume?

  • Hello all. I emailed Xavier earlier today and asked him if the volume pedal of an UNO4Kemper-equipped FCB1010 could control the Monitor Volume instead of the overall volume, and he said it could, but wasn't sure where the setting was. He did say it was on the KPA side and not the FCB1010 side.

    I can't find this setting anywhere though on the KPA. Can somebody please help? Thanks!

  • Righto, but the volume pedal on the FCB1010 will control both monitor and main out volume. I just want the volume pedal to control the monitor volume and NOT the main out volume. Any way to do that? Thanks for the reply.

  • Did you uncheck the main out volume in the settings? Only the monitor volume should be linked to the master volume, I think (I don't have a FCB1010).
    Another possibility is to control the monitor volume via CC#73.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • As Kempermaniac says. If u want to control nothing else than the Monitor volume unlink all other volumes in Menu. Don't forget: This will effect the volumes u control with the Pedal AND with the master Volume Knob on the KPA!

  • Unfortunately, that doesn't work. That was actually the first thing I tried. The FCB1010 with the UNO4Kemper chip installed has the volume pedal set at #07 and cannot be changed. Unlinking the volume works for the master volume on the front panel (it will only control the monitor volume if you unlink the master), but the volume pedal still controls the overall volume.

    No offense to Xavier, but I think he might have been wrong. It doesn't seem possible to change it.