USB Device Not Recognized?

  • I have installed RM on two Windows machines -- one running Windows 7 64-bit Professional and another running Windows 8. The RM install appeared to work correctly on both machines.

    When I connect the KPA using USB, I get an error stating "The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it. Try reconnecting the device. If Windows still does not recognize it, your device may not be working properly."

    My KPA has the latest firmware version:

    Can anyone advise on how to get RM connected to my KPA?


  • Just brainstorming...

    You tried two different Windows OS, and two different machines. You get the same kind of error.

    The next thing I would try if I were you would be to get a different USB cable.

  • I have a similar problem on my Win7 64bit system. In device manager i can see "Profiler", bur the drivers are not properly installed and so the connection does not work. On saturday i have send log-Files, that Kemper Support asked for, to them. Maybe today they can find out, what is wrong with my system :).

    Best regards

  • So, yesterday i solved my problem :) The solution is not logical at all, but it worked :P -

    The "Windows Updates" service has to be active, then the driver installation happens without any problem. My comupter ist not connected to internet, so no Updates were downloaded or installed :D:D:D

    It seems, Windows blocks the Kemper driver installation, when this service is deaktivated. Logical? As logical as Windows himself 8o

    After the proper installation i deaktivated it again. Until now RigManager works korrekt with the Kemper device.

    Best regards