Please stop RM expiration date

  • I don't know if others have this issue but KPA team , please stop the RM date termination on Betas , it's a pain to reinstall firmware and RM each time a new version is up. I rely on the RM more than on the brownse knob now and really hate having to patch just to get my favorite profiles back ...

  • I run it in a VM then set the system date back a year after the first mention about this and I'm still using the first RM and haven't seen a message yet. I don't use the latest one as it seems to do something to parallel paths that buggers up the sound.

  • I guess it's okay to make RM beta version subject to a forced update. However, what I don't understand is that RM forces you to update your profiler with a beta version. (That's what I got a few days ago, RM beta expired so I had to install the latest version. But when I started that, RM forced me to update the profiler itself. If that is to happen, there should be a release version of the FW for the profiler).

  • My thoughts on this:

    1. The product is still BETA - meaning if you depend on your KPA for an importand gig/tour/studio job. Don't use it. That is the general consensus about a beta anyway - has been and will always be! Some people tend to think "oh cool - the beta is out - it will be good enough for me and I'll just work around the few bugs that might still be there". Well, that is not the reason for a beta release.

    2. Many companies have expiration dates for their betas. It makes sense for different reasons - e.g.a more controlled testing environment (once you fixed most of the bugs from beta one, you want to people to test how the fix works - not continue complaining about the old version). That includes an OS-update in our case, if it is absolutely mandatory for fixing a bug in the beta.

    3. I guess facts like the expiration date and the possibility of a "forced" OS-update could have been communicated upfront - however please take into consideration how much pressure the community was putting on the Kemper developer team for finally coming up with a librarian at least.

    Never and I mean NEVER put your trust and your important work in the hands of a beta. I consider everything I do with a beta temporary or a trial (in many cases 1.0 is just a beta too).

    BTW - other than the fact, that I had to set up a VM (MAC-Version PLZZZZZ!) and the update process actually requires you to uninstall and install - I am quite satisfied with the overall look, feel and functionality of the RM.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Couldn't agree more with bigHF. It's a beta, so if you're using it (and nobody is forcing you to), you're a beta tester, and you're supposed to be on the latest version. The way the programming team gets solid and speedy feedback on any fixes they've implemented or new bugs that have been introduced.

  • I don't agree. This is a beta ok, but so far there is no stable 1.0 version to rely on.
    So ok nobody is forcing me to use it, but if I don't , i have nothing else. Except maybe the Kemper itself but welll...
    What does it cost to leave the choice to the user whether he wants to keep up with updates or not ?

  • As already stated, BETA anything, comes with no guarantees whether it be KPA firmware or RM software. We are technically bug testing to help find bugs and make for a more stable official version. We have just had the luxury of having a lot of very stable BETA's so many people can loose focus on that.

    I would though agree that needing a new firmware to match a new RM software update can be a pain but I do know it is somewhat necessary to avoid to much fragmentation and compatibility between the firmwares and RM.

    I think a realistic compromise is to allow someone to be able to have run one official firmware to the next without losing usability of the RM.

  • Thx folks for explaining what is a beta , but I've been working in IT for 20 years now , so I guess I know what is a development cycle :) . I'm not bothering about updates but only about the method.

    I was complaining about the fact that you're forced to update the firmware to get the RM back in action , no pb if you had to update 'online' but you still have to use the usb token , which is a pain. Especially if you are in the hurry of recording a great idea with the ultimate rig you just tweaked on the last evening ... This totally ruins your creativity. :(

    It feels the same as launching a good software/video/game and end up managing some stupid DRM, this is the last think the end user wants.

  • I was complaining about the fact that you're forced to update the firmware to get the RM back in action , no pb if you had to update 'online' but you still have to use the usb token , which is a pain. Especially if you are in the hurry of recording a great idea with the ultimate rig you just tweaked on the last evening ... This totally ruins your creativity.

    you're right in this respect. it would be nicer, if RM would update your Profiler automatically. but as i said in an earlier post, we have two missions right now: stability and a mac version. once both are completed, we will see how we can make some things more convenient. an intermediate step will be to release a non beta version which will not time out.
    best, gs

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