considering a kemper - live rig questions

  • Sometimes i need to switch from dotted 8th delays to 4th.. without changing the amp ... then in the same song maby i want to change the amp with keeping delay on 4ths... with that selected amp-sound, i want to switch to ping pong (left dotted 8th, right 4th)..
    Not mentioning the stomp-boxes in front of the amp (booster, tubescreamer, compressor, wha). I know that the kemper can do all of them, but again, they should be on or off and do not change that state when i switch to another rig. - but .. I think that would be possible by locking them, am i right?

    I do exactly what you describe, I use a rocktron all access and use the Kemper in browser mode so programm midi cc# to switch between rigs. I have 10 switches to switch rigs, then 5 switches to turn effects on/off. To achive the above I basically made an exact duplicate of my dotted 8th patch, changed the delay then assigned a different midi cc#. So now button 2 is dotted 8th, button 6 (the one above 2) is 4th. No noticable change in sound as the rig, effects etc are exactly the same. I'm sure this is just as easy to do in performance mode, I just haven't sat down to figure it out (already had my board programmed up before performance mode was released).
