Boot up routine tweaked to make playable-state sooner?

  • Not sure if this has been discussed already but I think most users have noticed a significant reduction in the boot up to playability time with the latest firmware. I've noticed mine go from 55 to 45 seconds.
    However, some operations are not responsive during few seconds following boot up, ie rig selection seems to lag for a bit, even though I can start to strum and make some sounds.
    I wondered if the kpa engineers have engaged the sound/playable state during the latter stages of the boot process rather than post-boot. It's definetly an improvement but I'd be curious to know what's going on during this time and whether I should lay off any knob-twiddling during this period to avoid upsetting any system-processes. Anyone shed any light on the matter?

    I noticed that rapid scrolling (by button) of cabinets with autoload engaged can lock up the unit and stall the kpa. Not something I plan to do live.

  • I noticed this behaviour even before the latest update. It just seems like part of the system warm-up time to me. Wonder if it can be fixed.

    As far as making playable state available before boot up, hook up your amplifier using SPDIF. You'll be able to play even before the boot-up sequence is completed, maybe as early as 10 seconds into boot-up. Can't change the profile till it's all done though.

  • hook up your amplifier using SPDIF. You'll be able to play even before the boot-up sequence is completed, maybe as early as 10 seconds into boot-up. Can't change the profile till it's all done though.

    I noticed this also, but I was unable to find out, which profile is it and which part of rig is active. I tried to shutdown KPA on different profiles, but I didn't hear any difference. Does anybody know more about this undocumented tube sound leak? :)