Alto Powered Wedges w/KPA

  • So I am upgrading to the KPA in a month or two. I am currently running a Digitech RP1000 with an Alto 8" powered wedge and am considering upgrading the to 12". I use it just for my own monitoring of guitars live. I run to FOH for main sound and drummer is using a V-Drum kit. as anyone used the Alto stuff here and how do you like it with the KPA? I use the Alto in lieu of putting my RP in the main monitor mix and generally keep to my side or behind me.

    I know there are MANY more costly options and am interested in the Atomic CLR active wedge but is it worth the $500+ upgrade?

    Thanks in advanced for your input.

  • I owned a pair of Alto TS115A speakers for about a year. Just sold them last week :( Great speakers and sound awesome with the kemper, I would buy them again if I had the space / was playing out. For the price you can't go wrong. :thumbup:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Man! Day late and a dollar short!

    Glad to hear you liked them. Forumite "lasvideo" is being kind enough to let me come by and check out his Kemper next week so I'll bring my Alto wedge with me just to hear it. A pair of 12's will probably be sufficient but I bet the 15's woulds sound even better ...

  • I never tried the 15's, had heard the crossover frequency of a 15" caused some kind of problems, not sure though. I have tried the Alto 10's and 12's and thought they sounded good with the Kemper, especially if price is a major issue. I A/B the Alto's with a K12 and an EV ZLX12P and felt the EV sounded the best, they are $400 a piece, a bit more than the Altos but a lot less that the K12's or a CLR. I currently use 2 for larger shows and am happy as hell.

    On a side note having a 12" vs an 8" gives you the option of added bass response (I like some bottom end push for certain semi clean profiles, Mesa comes to mind) this can also be easily dialed out.

  • I use a pair of Alto TS112A's with my kemper. I had a pair of the 15's and compared them to the 12's. Very similar, the 12's just sounded a little tighter and they were smaller/lighter.

    Great speakers for the money, very pleased with mine.