Kemper Power Cable Test (192kHz Wav)

  • Some people really can sense things differently:

    By the way, I associate "yellow" with "treble" as far as guitar tones are concerned (can't really explain it) :)

    Sure, but this guy knew absolutely nothing about music and he didn't have Synesthesia, just business-people being responsible for an advertising-project. And because they are "important", they have to "involve" themselves in everything... ;)

    Similar to the guy who wanted to hear a "tambourine", but he was asking for the sound of a "trampoline" for about 2 hours....

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

    Edited once, last by guenterhaas ().

  • Sure, but this guy knew absolutely nothing about music or Synesthesia, just business-people being responsible for an advertising-project. And because they are "important", they have to "involve" themselves in everything... ;)

    Similar to the guy who wanted to hear a "tambourine", but he was asking for the sound of a "trampoline" for about 2 hours....

    Synesthesia is something you have, not something you learn :)

    But it seems to be very prevalent, describing music in colours. And I'm betting not many of them are synesthetics - mostly the stories are about A&R guys etc... Maybe they got confused by black metal and the blues?

  • True story.... I'll never forget this studio-session. ;)

    Guys from big advertising companies (Lintas, Scholz & Friends ect.) were the most funny ones in recording studios, big responsibility, but absolutely no clue about music.... One guy once said: "Well, it sounds nice, but I'm missing the colour "yellow" in the music...."

    at one point I was getting pretty good at deciphering the suggestions I got back from people working in advertising:

    "can you make it more energetic?" = a few BPMs faster
    "we need more emotional impact!" (btw. this was for a coffee maker...)= add acoustic guitar, nylon > steel string
    "I dunno, it's just not quite 'there' yet..." = add about 1,5dBs subs and air and/or make the brickwall limiter about 1,5dBs more aggressive
    "Rastafy by 10%" = ok, that's just a Simpsons quote, still no idea what that one means ;)

  • Synesthesia is something you have, not something you learn :)

    But it seems to be very prevalent, describing music in colours. And I'm betting not many of them are synesthetics - mostly the stories are about A&R guys etc... Maybe they got confused by black metal and the blues?

    I know, I'm just a German guy and writing in English often is a real challenge.... I've corrected it. ;)

    The ad-guy was just a smartass, he didn't have Synesthesia like many artists (Tori Amos, Leonard Bernstein, Duke Ellington, Billy Joel, Franz Liszt, Vincent Van Gogh, Eddie van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder ect.).

    don: perfect description. :thumbup: I would add for guitar-players: remove your reverb-unit (if you don't use it) from your amp, make the unwired "Reverb"-knob to the "Fat"-knob and in difficult situations you'll suddenly have the best guitar-sound in the world....

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /