I think Commercial Profilers should be waiting for the new DI firmware............

  • The manual explains that the refining process is purely for the kemper to refine the amps' response to different levels of gain. Furthermore, it goes on to say the guitar you use shouldn't have an effect. I imagine the only time when it could have an effect would be because different pickups have higher output. It might be beneficial to change the pickup selector switch during the refining process, or possibly change to higher output guitars, but nothing more is needed in my opinion. At least going by what the manual says.

    The manual also states that merging is a very easy process, and only takes a few extra minutes to profile. The idea being that you are not supposed to change any of the settings of the amp when you profile the DI, in order to get an accurate representation of the cab. For this reason I reckon everyone should be selling merged profiles. It's super easy and gives the user more options.
    In my kemper I only have merged profiles becase otherwise I don't know which cabinets I can transfer to which profile and that bugs my brain :). I import studio profiles if and when I want to use them to avoid confusion.

  • One thing I have noticed is that there isn't a "pure" DI profile. The cab or load box used to make a DI profile will leave it's fingerprint on the DI profile. A DI profile made with cab type A will sound more or less different or same as a DI profile made with cab type B.

    So, if more authentic result is needed, the DI profile should be used with the same cab type as the cab type that the DI profile has been made.

    I think this is something that @Armin was saying before.

  • when i use highend preamps for profiling..they colour the sound yes....do they make the profile better? No :)
    Sometimes i like with..sometimes i like without...but the difference is anyway less than 1% and most users will not even hear the difference

    Keep believing in myths :) there is no secret sauce or something like that..
    you will only like the way "profiler A" uses to mic his cabs and how he dials in the amp maybe more than "profiler B" does this...or the specific cabinet..or the specific mic
    the reason for lets say "not so good profiles" on Rigexchange etc....is simply the missing experience how to mic a cab well..and that some Amp settings simply do not work miced

  • when i use highend preamps for profiling..they colour the sound yes....do they make the profile better? No :)
    Sometimes i like with..sometimes i like without...but the difference is anyway less than 1% and most users will not even hear the difference

    Keep believing in myths :) there is no secret sauce or something like that..
    you will only like the way "profiler A" uses to mic his cabs and how he dials in the amp maybe more than "profiler B" does this...or the specific cabinet..or the specific mic
    the reason for lets say "not so good profiles" on Rigexchange etc....is simply the missing experience how to mic a cab well..and that some Amp settings simply do not work miced


  • when i use highend preamps for profiling..they colour the sound yes....do they make the profile better? No :)
    Sometimes i like with..sometimes i like without...but the difference is anyway less than 1% and most users will not even hear the difference

    Keep believing in myths :) there is no secret sauce or something like that..
    you will only like the way "profiler A" uses to mic his cabs and how he dials in the amp maybe more than "profiler B" does this...or the specific cabinet..or the specific mic
    the reason for lets say "not so good profiles" on Rigexchange etc....is simply the missing experience how to mic a cab well..and that some Amp settings simply do not work miced

    1000x this.

  • I still think one of the biggest things is having enough studio space to mic your cab in one room, and monitor it in another with the Kemper and have it isolated enough so you can hear what you're doing without the live sound of your cabinet bleeding through. If you can't hear what you're doing, then you're missing the target and relying on blind luck to get a good profile, or at least what you think is a good profile. From there you can just use your time wisely - I can get a pretty good sound fairly quickly now, but ten years ago it took me awhile. I like offering the Direct/merged profiles because it adds to the value and versatility. Ever since merged profiles have been available though, I've offered the original profile, a direct version (same amp settings) and then a merged profile. This way if Kemper improves the way they are done, you have the raw materials to redo the merged profiles.

  • Ever since merged profiles have been available though, I've offered the original profile, a direct version (same amp settings) and then a merged profile. This way if Kemper improves the way they are done, you have the raw materials to redo the merged profiles.

    same here

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • In my kemper I only have merged profiles becase otherwise I don't know which cabinets I can transfer to which profile and that bugs my brain

    I hear you. Not that there's anything wrong in using a studio profile's cab tho...I've been doing it since years, and is the sound is good I don't care about sonic philology.