Wah Ring Modulator

  • I stumbled onto something, that I like, but I don't understand why it works the way it does, and maybe someone here knows. I have an expression pedal that is in slot 2, in the back. Yesterday, I decided to try an effect in Slot X, that I hadn't tried before, which was the Wah Ring Modulator. In the settings, I have Manual = 5.0, Pedal Range = 100%, Pedal Mode = on, Stereo = +90 degrees, Mix = 100%, Ducking = 0.0, Volume = 0.
    If I initialize pedal 2, I get ring modulation, but with the pedal, it is not my cup of tea. However, if I do NOT initialize the Pedal, but still use it, I get a variable speed tremolo that is fantastic!!!!
    Has anyone tried this, or have any insight as to why this works this way?