Kemper KPA vs. Axe-FX II (Yes, another one...please read!)

  • Christ......where´s that facepalm emoticon when you need it...

    Even IF the OP is a shill for Fractal (which I dont believe for a second), WHO CARES??????? What do you think is gonna happen? You think everybody here will suddenly turn and switch to AxeFx and you´ll be left alone with your KPA and wont be allowed to play with the cool kids anymore or what? Why do you care?
    I know my KPA is the best amp/modeler/digital thingy out there for me. I couldnt care less if the rest of the world decided to play the AxeFX. In fact, Id welcome it. Then Id have all these stellar tones to myself :)

    Certain users here seem to suffer from some serious insecurity issues.

  • Christ......where´s that facepalm emoticon when you need it...

    Even IF the OP is a shill for Fractal (which I dont believe for a second), WHO CARES??????? What do you think is gonna happen? You think everybody here will suddenly turn and switch to AxeFx and you´ll be left alone with your KPA and wont be allowed to play with the cool kids anymore or what? Why do you care?
    I know my KPA is the best amp/modeler/digital thingy out there for me. I couldnt care less if the rest of the world decided to play the AxeFX. In fact, Id welcome it. Then Id have all these stellar tones to myself :)

    Certain users here seem to suffer from some serious insecurity issues.

    And some seem to be sheep. I call BS like I see it.

    Accusations of insecurity are laughable, but I'm just backing up TheLightSpeeder's point of view, I don't see anything wrong in what he said, though everyone's reaction to his statements was like your response to my post, i.e. "No", "You must be imagining", etc.

    Just look at the arguments on every page of this thread and tell me OP isn't trolling.

  • And some seem to be sheep. I call BS like I see it.

    Accusations of insecurity are laughable, but I'm just backing up TheLightSpeeder's point of view, I don't see anything wrong in what he said, though everyone's reaction to his statements was like your response to my post, i.e. "No", "You must be imagining", etc.

    Just look at the arguments on every page of this thread and tell me OP isn't trolling.

    Ok, lets assume he is trolling.
    What has he accomplished with his trolling, other than raise the bloodpressure on a few forumites?
    Why do you think he did it? Just for laughs or was there a deeper, more sinister agenda behind it?

  • Ok, lets assume he is trolling.
    What has he accomplished with his trolling, other than raise the bloodpressure on a few forumites?
    Why do you think he did it? Just for laughs or was there a deeper, more sinister agenda behind it?

    It's easy to use hyperbole to suggest anyone is bothered by this thread. My own point of view is that "Search function should be used, thanks."

    OP had access to Kemper and an Axe FX, so what was the point of seeking third party opinions? In seeking those opinions, the OP was subjective in choosing which comments to accept and which to reject.

    I also find the OP's conclusions untenable in light of the overwhelming view of the majority of forum users here, including you, i.e. the Kemper has better tones than the Axe. Seems like he's one foot in the 120% more real camp when it comes to that debate and I can point out that the only situation he's okay with a Kemper is if he can pair a Fractal product with it, be that an FX8 or an Axe FX.

    It took 26 pages of "back and forth" on this thread before it became evident to me that the OP was baiting users. Some users could see it coming from Page 1. So obviously, I'm not alone in suggesting that there's some motive to this thread beyond just a head to head contest.

    Perhaps the beating on the Fractal forums convinced him of the superiority of the product. Seem logical?

    We have a very good reputation on these forums for being level-headed. To me, that should also include being able to talk about great products like the Axe FX. But I don't want to unwittingly be a part of some sort of negative reinforcement internet marketing campaign. I think a couple of other users feel like me at the end of this whole thing.

    And believe me, that has been done for a long time now on a lot of forums. Don't want to see it here, we're complaining.

  • man, really, why be graceful when beating a dead horse, no hacking it over and over etc...

    Furthermore if anyone still wonders your wasting time and bandwidth sometimes tough love makes things stick

    ps kemper rules fractal drools

    My friend, I have to confess (my fault, no doubt) I did not get a single word of what you wrote. My English is rather simple, and there are probably too many idioms in your post for me :)
    Would you rephrase it?

  • does this discussion lead to anything worth wasting more space on a hard drive and adding to the already questionable consumption of electricity by the internet? IMO, with the OP in mind, pretty much all is has been stated already. so, do you mind if i close this thread for good?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • does this discussion lead to anything worth wasting more space on a hard drive and adding to the already questionable consumption of electricity by the internet? IMO, with the OP in mind, pretty much all is has been stated already. so, do you mind if i close this thread for good?

    I really do agree. Actually from page one of this clever made up comparison.

  • Before closing the thread i wanted to make sure that everyone knows mbrown is an illuminati lizard person from the future sent here to distract from the chemtrails used to kill off 90% of the human race in the name of absolute power. Also, FAS Cliff is a mega lizard person.