Remote Volumepedal not working correct

  • Hello my friends,
    now I have my remote and I am happy with it. But there is still one thing I can not figure out.
    The Kemper is connected to two Yamaha DXR 10 via mainout cause I need the stereo effects.
    My Pedal is set to cc07 volume in the systempage for the remote. When I pull the pedal back I get the same effect as if I roll back the volumepot on my guitar. The distortionlevel decreases but the volume stays nearly the same. That is not the way a volumepedal should work. What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for your help!!

    multiple Parker nightfly guitars, KPA & remote, DXR 10 stereo setup

  • You need to change the volume pedal to be post-effects. I believe you get to that by pressing the Rig button. If you want it the same for all rigs then press the Lock button after setting the volume pedal.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer