Most realistic amp in the room commercial profiles: Soundside

  • I know that it's all a matter of personal taste, but coming from the "real amp world" (this is my first experience in the digital world), and after trying profiles from M. Britt and TAF (both of great quality), I seem to find the profiles from Soundside the ones least polite, more raw, less produce and a lot closer to what an amp sounds in the room with you.

    Just my humble opinion. What's yours?

  • I know that it's all a matter of personal taste, but coming from the "real amp world" (this is my first experience in the digital world), and after trying profiles from M. Britt and TAF (both of great quality), I seem to find the profiles from Soundside the ones least polite, more raw, less produce and a lot closer to what an amp sounds in the room with you.

    Whats your favorite?

  • My favorite are the JMP and the 57 Fender Deluxe.

    I realy like the fact that he choose a variety of amps, but I wish he had some of the usual suspects also: JCM800, SLO, Bogner XTC, Bogner Shiva.

    Also I would love some Divided by 13, a Bogner Helios and a Toneking Imperial.

  • They were the first commercial profiles I purchased upon recommendation from TieDyedDevil. I'm especially in awe of the 57 Deluxe previously mentioned. I'm all about the best clean to over driven tones. They are a bit hard to find compared to a million, uber gain profiles. The Deluxe is great for my basic clean tone and the Carlton-esque sounds. I keep coming back to it time after time. I also like the Diezel VH4. You can read my comments on Soundside's User Comment page.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • One of the first profiles I bought was Pete's Profiles' 1965 Vox AC-30. I've bought additional ones, downloaded others from the Rig Exchange, and always come back to those profiles. Live, I run the Kemper through a Matrix GT1000FX power amp and a Matrix NL212 cab, in stereo, with cab sims on. I've not experienced such good tone (at least, IMO, and for what I do) than with that set of profiles.

    That said, I haven't heard of Soundside before... so I'm going to have to give them all my money now. Thanks OP. Their AC 30 profile sounds ridiculously good.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • They exist here and there. Soundside has some spot on profiles. TAF is my preference for matching commercial recordings. I like MBritt for shear pleasure. Some on the free exchange (rig manager now) are really "honest".

    My favorite in that regard is by AGUS on the Rig Manager, an "AC 15 Handwired" that sounds like my AC 15 in the room did. But those are my ears and tastes.

    It differs for everyone and isn't something that is absolute.

  • Here's my question, related to the topic, as I have a couple of amps (well, specifically, one amp, with several different speaker combinations) I want to profile (but just haven't gotten around to it yet):

    How does one achieve a better "realistic amp in the room" sound over a sterilized mic? Multiple mic placements going through a DAW or mixer? Or just not having the mic right on the cone? A room mic, perhaps?

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • The tones ive heard on albums that remind me of playing amps tend to use a combination of mics. Petrucci said for recording ADTOE that he uses a 57 on axis and Shure 4038 or something like that - its a $4k ribbon mic. He blendee them until he got how he hears the amp in the room. And thats how he mics on tour.

  • Here's my question, related to the topic, as I have a couple of amps (well, specifically, one amp, with several different speaker combinations) I want to profile (but just haven't gotten around to it yet):

    How does one achieve a better "realistic amp in the room" sound over a sterilized mic? Multiple mic placements going through a DAW or mixer? Or just not having the mic right on the cone? A room mic, perhaps?

    I always try to get the profile as close as possible to the sound of the amp in the room.
    For this are the amp, the KPA and the (large) monitors in the same room.
    Sometimes one mic does the trick sometimes I need more than one.
    When both (the amp and KPA via my monitors) sound about the same - I start profiling the amo at all possible settings.

    btw. the KPA must be played at about the same level as the real amp to compare - and you need a lot of time - because the ears need to refresh :)

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    Great Profiles -->

  • Got my kemper about a year and a half ago and have been quite happy with it. Since I don`t own an amp thats worth profiling, I decided to try the commercial rigs available.
    Got myself many Rigs by the theampfactory and by lots of filtering and tweaking got 4-5 usable sounds, that do well with my Duesenberg Starplayer. I`ve been quite dissapointed because the TAF-Profiles I was most looking forward to (especially the Friedman BE-Profile) sounded extremly bad (way too fizzy).

    Today i tried the Recoding Pack: Rock by soundside and it blew me away. Didn't tweak anything,sound was spot on. Got a great Friedman-Rhythm Tone now, added the mxr crunch stomp thats built in the kemper for my solo tone and couldn't be happier now.
    Thank you so much!!!! I'm really looking forward to try the next Pack and already began to delete nearly anything else from the unit.

    This is not to say, that TAF`s work would be bad, I think that maybe the guitar used to create the profile has a big influence. Of course guitar tone isn`t profiled, but I think the way you set up the amp depends massively on the guitar used. Would be interesting to know, which ones the guys at soundside are using.

    Thank You!!!!!

  • Thank you - and enjoy!

    I use different guitars for my profile packs.

    For vintage packs:
    Fender Strat and Tele

    For Rock packs:
    Fender Strat/Tele and Gibson LesPaul

    For Metal:
    dropped C and 7String guitars - sometimes also Gibson LesPauls and Ibanez Jem.

    I try to create packs working for most commonly used guitars - that's why there are so many profiles in each pack.

    As with the real amp - each guitar needs different settings of the gain and tone control knobs - so I try to profile each amp in all useable combinations of the amp settings.

    There should be some great tones for each guitar type in each pack.

    Of course it makes in most cases no sense to use a 7String guitar for a Vintage amp or a Strat for high gain - but even that may create great results in some cases.

    I sometimes use Metal amps for blues - it's all depends on the settings of the amp.

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    Great Profiles -->

  • How does one achieve a better "realistic amp in the room" sound over a sterilized mic? Multiple mic placements going through a DAW or mixer? Or just not having the mic right on the cone? A room mic, perhaps?

    You'll need a measure mic (that is an FRFR one) and the ability to not include in the capture the room's early reflections, which would imply to have the transducer ar least 1.5-2 m away from any reflecting surface.


  • To my earts did Jay's 'In the room' IRs sound not very different from 'regular' IR's.

    Never was happy with the AxeFx cabinet simulation - I used an Torpedo together with the AxeFx - and liked the results much mote.

    But this is now some years ago - never used an AxeFx in the last years.

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    Great Profiles -->