Rig Manager Backup fail

  • Anyone help me here please and thanks. The backup on my PC of Rig Manager via the Tools menu at the top fails ( worked the first time)
    It comes up with a box with the text "The backup file could not be written" No idea why? Thank you. Lindsay ?(

  • Try to run RM as administrator (right click -> run as administrator).

    That worked for me - without escalating the privilege level all backups failed with the error message reported by Ramjam. After setting it to run as administrator (not available on the right click menu BTW) I got a successful write of the backup file.

  • To which folder did you try to save? Which version of Windows? Of course it should always be possible to save to your own Documents folder, even if you don't have admin rights.

  • As I posted in the other thread on the beta RM 1.5, I am on Win 7 64 - OS is up to date. I was saving in my Kemper folder which is in a sub-directory on the system drive. I tried three times and got a 12 MB file and the error message that the file was unable to be written each time. I am logged on as administrator by default. I was able to check "run as administrator for RM" in the properties settings and after doing this I tried to backup for the 4th time - this time I got a 48MB file and no error message. This was in the same folder.

  • I was saving in my Kemper folder which is in a sub-directory on the system drive

    A subfolder on the system drive (Like "C:\Rigs") is usually not writable for users (part of the system policy of Windows). You should save everything in your user directory OR make sure, the folder grants you the rights to write to.
    The "Run as Administrator" workaround has some disadvanteges, like drag&drop not working etc. and is not the solution.

  • Actually, it is simply a bug in Rig Manager. It occurs after you added rigs to a folder, then that database stays in use and can not be read by the backup function. This will be fixed in the next release. The workaround is to restart Rig Manager and make the backup before changing anything in the folders. It has nothing to do with running as administrator.