FX name association with effect slot in performance mode

  • HI
    I am starting to use performance mode and I am confused over something.
    If I have an an effect saved as a preset ie "Taz EQ" which is an EQ with high and low cut.
    I add it to the X slot. Fine and dandy.
    If I want to edit the slot and in particular the X slot there is no longer any association of the EQ with the name "Taz EQ" the values are correct but its difficult to
    know which eq I have loaded in that effects slot (If I have several eq's for example).

    It's not a big deal but I would prefer that on pressing the effect button and getting focus the display would show the preset name and not just the type of effect (ie studio eq in this case).

    The EQ was just a example its the same for all the effects.
    or am i doing something wrong? Like I said its not a big deal but if you have multiple effect presets if difficult to know that they are the ones that are loaded.


    2005 gibson lp standard faded/frankenstein tele->kemper->adam a3x/LD systems mon 121