Headphone Symbol on Multiple Rigs & Other Minor Issues RM 1.5.16 OSX 10.9.2

  • Headphone symbol appears seemingly randomly. Average 5-6 times per page when it happens. It's not all the time, but it was most of the time last time I demoed the unit to my brother.

    Sometimes, when this happens, the up / down arrows, whilst they change the highlighted rig, don't update the Kemper. Double-clicking reactivates audition mode properly 'though. It's as if the multiple headphone symbols have confused my Kemper, although I doubt this is the case.

    Also, any time I copy-drag a rig to another folder, the current list moves a long way away from the active rig / the one I'm copying, and it's a PITA to have to relocate it every time. It actually prevented me from copying some rigs to my favorites folders 'cause I didn't want to have to keep jumping throughout that hoop...

  • the multiple headphone symbols are more like a graphical issue. we are aware of that. if you have a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce that, we'd appreciate if you could share it.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • All I did, G String, was fire RM up, select various folders in my Local Library, and up / down-arrow (mainly down) through rig lists whilst my lil' brother "Fingers" played his heart out. I do this every week or two, and that's the only way I've ever used RM.

    As I suggested, I did try to copy the odd rig we liked to favourites folders (CTRL or OPTION-drag, I can't remember which), but it wasn't worth it as we'd instantly lose track of where we were in the list.

    I've not experienced these symptoms before; this is only since the update specified in the thread title.

    There's no secret sauce, I'm afraid; what I've outlined is in fact the method to create this behaviour on my Mac.

    I'll update the thread as soon as the next session has occurred, which may well be this Saturday night - my brother "Fingers" loves this thing, and has probably played my Kemper over 50 hours now, about 200 times as long as I have! Who knows - maybe the issues will fix 'emselves...