Local Library subfolders

  • Anyone know how to see the profiles on the KPA screen that are saved in a "Local Library" subfolder in (Windows 64 bit) Rig Manager? I select "All Rigs" but still only see what is in the "MyProfilier" folder. I like to keep my "Purchased" profiles separate from the free profiles in the "MyProfilier" area but can't figure out how to see them on the KPA screen...

  • Anyone know how to see the profiles on the KPA screen that are saved in a "Local Library" subfolder in (Windows 64 bit) Rig Manager? I select "All Rigs" but still only see what is in the "MyProfilier" folder. I like to keep my "Purchased" profiles separate from the free profiles in the "MyProfilier" area but can't figure out how to see them on the KPA screen.

    I can tell you my approach.
    Local I dont store so much Rigs. Just the performances I will use for Live.
    I did not find a way to make subdirectoreis at the KPA. (I believe it is not possible)
    If I want to choose or try Rigs at home, I use Rigmanager. It's easy to make subdirectories. (Use right mouse button)

    open example - Harry

  • Rig Manager stores files separately from the Kemper unit itself, so profiles that are in the folders other than the "My Profiler" folder are saved on your computer but not in the Kemper itself (which is why you can't see them on the Kemper screen).

  • Thanks! I think you both are correct. There doesn't seem to be a way to do it.

    I only do it because I'm afraid I might "modify" a purchased rig and then someday in the future forget and mistakenly upload it or share it with someone. I guess I will just have to keep loading them from the Rig Manager screen.