how to CHECK if it is a STUDIO or a DIRECT PROFILE in the factory rigs?

  • hello, guys,

    is there any way to check if the current profile is a STUDIO or a MERGED profile? is there any way I can select only the direct profiles, in the browsing menu?

    i´ve tested a lot of useless profiles and i´m strugling hard to find some real good amps

    I would like to browse just into the merged profiles

    another REALLY BAD thing is that my bandmate has a profile that is NO LONGER AVALIABLE NOWHERE... i´ll need to take it from his kemper.. and its such a nice one.. dahell kemper...

    Appreciatte your support :)

  • At the moment there is no way of telling unless the person who made the profile added a comment or put a hint in the name, on rig manager try searching for merged. CK has hinted that a way to differentiate between them is in the works. In the end I bought some packs from Origin Audio as they do merged profiles, and found the PRS Archon and Bognor Ubershall packs really good for using with a cab at louder volumes, if hard rock/metal is your kind of thing.

  • So at least you can tell that profiles with 4 kB can't be merged ones.

    You can... but it is a real shame that we have to hook up to rig manager and check profile sizes or the notes of a profile to determine if it is merged (if the author hasn't added 'merged' to the name), and not tell from the profiler itself.