Kemper 4.0

  • When you build a house, you start with laying out strong foundations and then you build from there.

    When you build a guitar tone, the foundation for 99% of what a guitarist wants to do is the actual amp tone itself. Kemper has better foundations than anyone and no-one else has surpassed that yet however many updates they manage.

    I am not interested in a unit that has brilliant routing / mind blowing effects if the very thing that lays the foundation is 2nd best. I quite understand that others may feel differently because everyone's wants and needs in a product a different. It's entirely fair enough if fx are a bigger priority for someone..... If I only played really, really 'out there' tones that have so many fx that you can no longer tell what the guitar is? Yup, at that point the fundamental tone doesn't much matter.

    the Kemper is constantly evolving in a very positive direction. It's clear that memory isn't an issue for doing more effects and routing because otherwise Kemper should go against Pixar in the special effects video department.... How do you explain the NAMM videos / those who saw it?

    as a company, they are clearly concerned to keep their reputation that everything they do is 'the best that is possible'. So far, so good. I'd love it if it happened before the end of Feb but I will live if it's a bit longer :)

    if if you are having stability issues, contact support as that's not usual. If you're of the belief that the routing in the Kemper will never meet your specific needs, again that is entirely fair enough - cut your losses and sell it before the market floods with second hand Kempers from all the upset users you predict. If not, join a great community and give positive feedback to help continue the incremental advances of a great unit :)

  • LOL was starting to wonder that myself, even tho i started the thread? Hmm Its the last friday of the month!!! Could today be the day???

    Didnt someone say Fridays and Mondays are the most popular days for kemper to release updates? Only one friday and one monday left :D :D :D Fingers crossed for today

  • LOL was starting to wonder that myself, even tho i started the thread? Hmm Its the last friday of the month!!! Could today be the day???

    Didnt someone say Fridays and Mondays are the most popular days for kemper to release updates? Only one friday and one monday left :D :D :D Fingers crossed for today

    Yes Monday and Fridays are 12 vs 13, so next Monday (29/02/2016) is good candidate to equal Fridays. Then we would have:

    Mondays 13
    Tuesdays+Wendesdays 13

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Sure man .... And if and when the Kemper Sun shines... Not only will I publicly take back my diatribe but I'll spring for beer and pizza for the Kemper programming team .... Maybe my intentions and motives are greatly misunderstood . I do want Kemper to be the overall best piece of gear in its class. What I have seen is more effort being placed on the footcontroler and less excluding Pure Cab which is present in 3.02 Which I do appreciate but it seems for the most part the core of the product is being severly neglected. That being said .... You say 4.0 will be worth the wait so until the fat Kemper Lady has sung .

    I hear you mate. It's all good, and I'll be first in line for the beer & pizza, although the pizza'll probably be a tad funky by the time it reaches me in Oz. LOL

    For the record, I didn't say that 4.0 will be worth the wait. I said that the value-adding that the Team™ is rolling out in terms of software and functionality will prove worthwhile / worth the wait / great value in the fullness of time. I'm not foolish enough to try to predict specific benefits at specific time / FW-version points, but I've seen enough of the company to know that it'll accomplish what it set out to do overall / in the big picture, and yes, in the fullness of time (the phrase I actually used).

    So, yes, I propose that patience will reward you in this regard, and that negative expectations will prove largely fruitless in that almost all will become redundant.

    Thanks for the discussion mate. Sometimes it takes a skeptical take on the unit to remind us of just how awesome it actually is.

    Interestingly, my lil' brother "Fingers" just left after having spent over 3 hours playing a single profile. This was the one for him; it single-handedly skewed his perspective from being one of wanting to own a Kemper one day to one of crunching numbers in his head. The mojo, organicness, liveliness and versatility of this free profile posted just this week had him believing he was playing the 59RR Plexi for real. At more than twice the price of a Kemper, the penny finally dropped - a single free profile could save him thousands. We laughed as he left after midnight, declaring that the night belonged to Kemper. He'd warned me that he only had 10 minutes to audition profiles from the folder of new ones from the exchange that I keep for him. We auditioned 5 in 5 minutes and then stumbled upon the RR one. Game over. Mr. My JVM Will Always Be My Rig TubeHead™ had a genuine epiphany.

    I say this 'cause offering this experience would have been the ultimate goal of the Kemper since its inception. The effects are merely icing on the cake. The amps are where it's at. You know this. He knows this, and Christoph certainly knows this.

    Hang in there. I truly believe you won't be let down in the long run. Cheers mate.

    Yes Monday and Fridays are 12 vs 13, so next Monday (29/02/2016) is good candidate to equal Fridays. Then we would have:

    Mondays 13
    Tuesdays+Wendesdays 13

    [Blocked Image:]


  • LOL!

    don't get him started. he probably also has a spreadsheet on what colour underwear the kpa team were wearing during each announcement, what they ate that day, and i'm kinda afraid to ask what else. :P

    Hehe, and he prolly makes up statistics as to what we all post when, where, and how. ;)

  • skoczy's graph reminds me of the politician Ross Perot: "what this graph tells ya is that giant sucking sound ya hear is yer money goin' ta profiles"

    I love graphs, skoczy, keep em coming. I want to see a poll of most used effects, and then when available, effects/parameters most morphed to!