Splawn Quick Rod "Proof Of Concept" test

  • Downloaded for testing. Will report back.

    Cool! Like I said, this was just to make sure I got all the connections right.

    Dont want to waste any precious Time at the studio.

    If this one sucks, at least the ones this afternoon will be better.

  • could someone record a short clip with this profile without any tweaking? I just tried the profile and it sounds very muffled to me, even with definition on 10, is that how the kemper put it or did you change it?

  • I literally just packed everything up or I'd record one.

    like I said, wanted to make sure the merged and studio at least sounded the same which they do, an that the connections for profiling were right.

    It it sounded pretty darned good with me Tele. A little dark with my LP.

  • I literally just packed everything up or I'd record one.

    like I said, wanted to make sure the merged and studio at least sounded the same which they do, an that the connections for profiling were right.

    It it sounded pretty darned good with me Tele. A little dark with my LP.

    Hi Jeremy,

    Disclaimer: I haven't yet had a chance to test this test profile (I sound like I am from the Department of the Redundancy Department).

    However, a quick and possibly stupid question...

    I wanted to ask how you set up your Quick Rod's EQ when profiling. I just want to make certain that you don't use any unusual EQ settings, such as scooping the mids. Do you set the tone controls flat...that is all knobs at 12:00?

    Thanks in advance for clarification.


  • This was however I had it set for my last gig I did boost it live with a Klone type pedal.

    it is not all at Noon. Bass around 9:00, middle and treble around 11:00

    pulling into the studio now. When I do just the app profile today, I will do varying adjustments of all of the controls. Should be a pretty comprehensive pack when I'm done.

  • This was however I had it set for my last gig I did boost it live with a Klone type pedal.

    it is not all at Noon. Bass around 9:00, middle and treble around 11:00

    pulling into the studio now. When I do just the app profile today, I will do varying adjustments of all of the controls. Should be a pretty comprehensive pack when I'm done.

    Very cool. Good to hear. Have a great time in your profiling session. I recommend having some good beers on hand. :thumbup:

  • Gave this one a go and it's pretty good. Not a bright profile, reminds me more of a Mbritt type sound.

    Back at work now so I can't record a sample but I just felt the highs were attenuated nicely with good micing.

    Looking forward to the others!

    Thanks! Not going to lie, I used Mbritt and Guido profiles as basis for overall sounds. Mostly because the highs can be added easily enough and those guys profiles sound awesome through a power amp and guitar cab which is how I run.

    i got about 35 profiles today.