MIDI access to performance mode slots

  • Hi guys,

    I’ve gutted an old 6 switch footswitch and added my own Arduino MIDI controller to it.

    I can select the first 4 buttons to control either stomps ABCD, or BCDX or CDXMOD.
    I have two way comms with the KPA so the board shows me the status of the stomps via LEDs

    The two right hand switches move the active slot left or right in performance mode.

    Problem with these two switches is that I have no feedback from the KPA, so I can’t see at a glance which slot I have selected and if hit the right switch so the KPA goes to an empty slot, it bounces back to the first slot.

    Of course, I could always turn on LEDs based upon just presses of the footswitch, but this is not ideal and I would like to make sure they truly represent the status by using feedback from the KPA. Plus it would not be correct if the slot flips over an empty one.

    I have read and re-read the KPA MIDI implementation, but I cannot find a way to get the slot status back from the KPA via sysex (or any other means).

    I would like to get two things from a performance

    - The active slot number (1-5)
    - Any slots that are disabled

    Then I could display actual status on my board.

    Can anyone shed any light on this please.