Any word on 4.0 yet?

  • In a country band that I play in , where I only use 5 sounds all night, 'Morphing' for me will mean that I can have a tight rhythm sound with reverb at heel and then a volume boost with a little bit of grit, delay and amp compression increased for solos at toe position....

    It means that I will effectively have 10 sounds for 5 rigs in performance mode .... time and space saving too in terms of being able to use expression pedal rather than switching & expression ......

    Are we there yet ? :D

  • Oh, this is starting to hurt me now!!

    Don't get me wrong, we should all wait until it's good and ready and that as a free update, I have no reason to grumble.... But....

    I kind of wish they'd never announced a date for it. I guess that was mostly down to Namm and needing to sound like it was more than a pipe dream but I'm starting to hurt a little inside! I think my wife is getting suspicious that I'm having an affair due to how much I'm checking my phone. "Honestly, I'm just checking for 4.0 from Kemper....."

  • Im afraid I've created a monster...


    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I really can't understand these sufferings... my Profiler sounds as good as it used to before 4.0 was announced. Why not enjoying the present moment instead of always putting off living a greater life tomorrow?

    Yes, there will be a day when the lamb lays along with the wolf. It will be beautiful... But I also want to fully enjoy my life now.


  • I really can't understand these sufferings... my Profiler sounds as good as it used to before 4.0 was announced. Why not enjoying the present moment instead of always putting off living a greater life tomorrow?

    Yes, there will be a day when the lamb lays along with the wolf. It will be beautiful... But I also want to fully enjoy my life now.


    Being impatient and excited about what's coming doesn't imply that my enjoyment of my Kemper has diminished in any way, or that I've stopped enjoying the moment. Some of us are more patient and some of us cope with delays better than others. I'm not annoyed or angry about the wait, I still love my Kemper but I'm just excited and am being impatient. Good for you that you're not feeling exactly the same, but we're all different and deal with things in different ways.

  • Guys, the fact that 4.0 is not released yet means that there are probably some things that the developer team needs to address first. After these things are fixed, you will be able to download the firmware. Don't think that the KPA team is evil and holds it back on purpose. :) They simply want to give you something usable.

  • Guys, the fact that 4.0 is not released yet means that there are probably some things that the developer team needs to address first. After these things are fixed, you will be able to download the firmware. Don't think that the KPA team is evil and holds it back on purpose. :) They simply want to give you something usable.

    Yep, agreed.
    But everyday I se the usefulness of the morpihng. So I want it so bad now :D

  • Guys, the fact that 4.0 is not released yet means that there are probably some things that the developer team needs to address first. After these things are fixed, you will be able to download the firmware. Don't think that the KPA team is evil and holds it back on purpose. :) They simply want to give you something usable.

    Not sure who that's aimed at, has anyone been anything other than a little overexcited in the last few pages?

  • has anyone been anything other than a little overexcited in the last few pages?

    Well, "this is starting to hurt me now" (cit)


    Just in order to put things into perspective, *I* am a little overexcited ;)

    Good for you that you're not feeling exactly the same, but we're all different and deal with things in different ways.

    This is exactly what I commented about. I am not criticizing you or any other :)

  • Maybe a new video with Morphing content will tide folks over.

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    Or not :P

  • Maybe a new video with Morphing content will tide folks over.

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Or not :P

    great demonstration!

  • Sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. Full on advertising of features which are not released yet and no date of release as well.

    Why you are doing this? It's not good for your reputation which has been stellar until now. What if someone who doesn't pay too much attention (and many people don't) to what the person on the video is saying goes to the shop tomorrow, picks up a Kemper and attempts to try morphing?

  • Well the fact that 3.3.0 is now the official release and this new morphing video makes me want to believe that 4.0 will be handed soon, maybe before April? Could it be next Tuesday? After the Easter holidays?

    Nevertheless, exciting times :D