Kemper Remote video available?

  • So I have my remote, but the manual is worthless. Is there a good video tutorial on how to assign profiles to different slots, and how to assign effects? Thanks in advance.....

    The assign of profiles in a performance has nothing to do with the remote. It can be done direct at the Kemper or with the Rig manager. (it's another story)

    To assign an effect to a pushbutton you have to press the certain button in the effect section of the Kemper and push the Remote button (I - IIII) you want to assign to this effect.

    Cancel an assignment of a Remote button works in the same way. (like a troggle)
    You can assign more effects to be switched on by a remote button, But only 2 are signalized by the leds.

  • In performance mode rigs are already per- configured from slot 1-5.
    No assigning necessary at all.
    You can use the Remote with Browse mode as well, but you only have fixed access to 5 adjacent rigs, which you would need to name accordingly to be accessible together, like 01rig to 05rig.
    This example alone shows that the Remote is intended to be used with Performance Mode.
    Get familiar with PM and enjoy the ease of building performances that are instantly reflected in the Remote.

  • I'd appreciate guidance too.

    For example, I've got a performance set up with 5 profiles. Each is the same amp profiled at a different sweet spot in increasing gain.

    I've then assigned a custom fx chain I've made to each of the 5 which has compressor, wah, a booster and a fuzz. So far, so good.

    If I go into #1 on the remote, I can then assign these things to each of the four switches and it does it perfectly. Is there a smart way of making all 5 slots in a performance do the same thing? Or do I have to go into #2-5 and press all the buttons again? Either I'm missing something (likely!!) or it's a little more cumbersome than it needs to be IMO :)

  • f I go into #1 on the remote, I can then assign these things to each of the four switches and it does it perfectly. Is there a smart way of making all 5 slots in a performance do the same thing? Or do I have to go into #2-5 and press all the buttons again? Either I'm missing something (likely!!) or it's a little more cumbersome than it needs to be IMO

    The smartes way I know is the copy/paste function for the effects or even for the rigs if you only have small modifications.
    Choose the effect or the Rig you want to copy .. Press copy choose the new place and press paste. paste you can use for multiplied copying

    Dont forget to store before you leave the new performance.

  • @Gary_W:
    You can copy and paste an FX slot from performance to performance and it will keep its Switch assignment.
    This is easier than assigning it all manually all over again but still a bit cumbersome.
    The KPA clearly plays the flexibility card (switches are assignable per rig) over convenience (switches stay consistent for a performance).
    Personally I'd like to see the option to keep switches consistent within one performance so that I can make my assignment for one slot and be done without doing all the copy/paste stuff.
    And more importantly, I'd like this option to be available not globally but per performance.

    I'll make this a FR now. ;)

  • Thanks Sharry - I'll try that I didn't know that the copy / paste would copy the assigned buttons on the profiler remote which is what I'm wanting so I'll give it a go

    Your welcome :)
    Please take in consideration that the assigment of remote buttons will only be copied if you copy a whole Rig from one slot to another.
    If you just copy an effect from one slot to another,the assigment to a remote button can not be transfered.

  • As I wrote in Ingolf's FR thread, you can select the first performance slot that you have set up with Stomps/FX, then lock the whole Stomp/FX section(s), select the next slot and store it, select the following slot and store it etc.
    Just remember to unlock the sections again when you're finished.