Kemper - Helix MIDI Question?

  • Hi guys!

    Currently, I'm using my Line 6 Helix as a MIDI Controller for my Kemper. I set the Kemper to Performance mode, and everything is working as expected, except that when I enable a stomp or effect I have to re-enable it once I change to a different Rig in the Performance. Is this by design, or is there a way for the Kemper to remember which stomps/effects I have enabled/disabled as I change Rigs?

    As an example, I have a Clean Boost pedal placed in Slot X on all the Rigs in a Performance. If I enable it while on Rig #1, and then I change to Rig #2, the Helix shows that that footswitch is enabled, but the Kemper loads it turned OFF (as it was originally programmed). What I have to do then is to press the footswitch once on my Helix in order to match the OFF state in the current Kemper Rig, and then press the footswitch again in order to enable the Clean Boost in Rig #2. I have to repeat the same process each time I switch Rigs, which can be a hassle. Am .i missing something or is this how it works with the Kemper remote as well?

    Thanks in advance!

  • If you "lock" a stomp or effect, or even the entire stomp and/or effect section, it will work the way you described -- like an independent stomp box that keeps its settings and on/off state when you switch to a different rig.

    Just press and hold the Lock button, and while holding it press the buttons for whatever you want to lock.