Auto-save remote switch-assignments

  • While I appreciate the ability to roll back most rig-parameters by reverting to the last saved rig, I see no advantage in having to save rigs/performances to retain the last modifications to assigned switches. I frequently make changes to rigs that I intend to be temporary, especially in a live situation, but can't think of any situation where I have even thought about rearranging the toggle-switches on the remote with an intention to later revert to the previous setting.

    The fact that the profiler is inconsistent in how it handles rig-changes while editing a performance adds to my frustration with switch assignments. One really has to concentrate not to switch slot with the remote while editing. You can switch freely between slots from the profilers front-panel and not loose any changes as long as you stay within the same performance, but once you use any kind of external switch (Kemper remote, MIDI-controller or other switch) to move to another slot all changes to the performance are lost. If there is an intention behind this inconsistency, I fail to see the point.

  • This is explained in the Perfomance Mode chapter of the Reference manual:

    While you manually navigate through the Slots within one Performance using the left and right RIG navigation cross
    buttons, any modifications e. g. loading another Rig or cranking up gain are interpreted as editing and will be
    maintained until you move to another Performance. Don’t forget to store before you load another Performance in
    order to make those modifications permanent.

    As soon as you load another Slot from your foot controller any former modifications within that Performance are
    interpreted as temporary tweaks during a live performance and get discarded immediately. If you had for example
    activated a booster in Stomp B or increased Delay Mix via pedal, such changes are forgotten, if you switch Slots
    remotely. This way you can always be sure, that Slots get loaded in their original predictable state during live