Live lighting for your band?? [Video]

  • Pretty sure this hasn't been discussed on the forums, so thought I'd throw it out there for the hell of it :)

    Does anyone use their own lighting for live performances? Why/why not? I'd be keen to hear what you guys do.

    As most players using a KPA (or similar) for live shows, we seem like a pretty comfortable bunch who's willing to change things up (as ditching a real amp is a bit of a leap of faith for most guitarists) and see what else can be done.

    Our justification to put the time and money into lighting was along the lines of "OK, We've spent hundreds of hours learning to play our instruments, spent significant money on our instruments and rigs. Spent time writing songs and practicing them, and after all that, we only have a tiny short window to set a mood and entertain the balls off an audience while we're on stage"

    "Lights" was the answer from all of us. So we took the plunge.

    We use a program called "DMXIS" and "Showbuddy" that is pretty basic, but serves us fine as we could actually figure out how to program it :) . We play to a click also, which is crucial for what we're going for. Does anyone have any other advice or experience with other software or solutions? I'm all ears.

    Quick partial video of an in progress sequence I made last weekend for a new song of ours (audio is the prerecorded demo of the tune). Excuse the "Bag Band" line up, but it makes it easier to see what the hell I'm actually making in our jam room :) . This song is going to be added to the live set as the new intro tune this weekend!

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  • Looks Good........I can barely get our guys to carry the PA system......... :D

    Seriously though, I thought about using the 2nd midi program change from my KPA, to send midi lighting commands to a light controller for our band. Haven't got around to trying it out yet........

  • Would be intesting to hear how lights are approached in bands without clicktracks..

    Use a setlist/lyrics/notation manager. I use Bandhelper with DMXIS. Banhelper can either automatically send program-changes to DMXIS as pages are turned, or have you tap a button on the screen to activate the change. If you add a midi foot-controller you can prepare a set of scenes for each song and be able to change the light for intro/verse/chorus/solo etc.