For GCP users - just to confirm something!

  • Hey guys, so I have been using a FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper as a Midi Controler. Works nice, but I think I wanna change.

    Ideally, I like the idea of the Kemper Remote, but I just can't justify the cost here in Brazil.

    A cheap option I have is the Ground Control Pro by Voodoo Lab. Now, I am aware it does not do bidirectional communication with the Kemper, and it has its limitations. But, from what I have read, I think it is possible to do what I intent to. Just want to confirm with you guys.

    I plan on having 4 presets to control the amps in the Kemper, and use 8 IAs to turn on/off stomp/fx. I would basically use this as a pedalboard, meaning, when I change rig (amp) using the 4 preset buttons, the IAs would be turned off initially. Then, within that preset, I would turn them on/off as I intend to. As I change preset, all the fx/stomp would be turned off, and I could just turn them on individually.

    This is doable, right? I mean, despite of the limitations, I just want to turn the 8 stomps/fx on/off within a "clean slate" rig.

    Thanks for the help guys!


  • I do it the same way, works great.
    But some effects or stomps are on, when I switch profiles/rigs... you can do that with the 4-presets-mode.
    Just press the buttons of the IA´s that should be on, when you switch to the rig... and press store: easy!
    Best regards, Mario

  • I do it the same way, works great.
    But some effects or stomps are on, when I switch profiles/rigs... you can do that with the 4-presets-mode.
    Just press the buttons of the IA´s that should be on, when you switch to the rig... and press store: easy!
    Best regards, Mario

    Thanks man! Glad to hear that!

    Would having the unit bought by someone in Europe and privately sent to you be a solution budget-wise?

    Hi, well, it would depend, actually. Sending it overseas would imply significant taxes. I can purchase directly from Kemper and have it delivered here, but I would pay additional 60% to 72% in import taxes, not to mention a terrible exchange rate. If someone comes to Brazil in person, the limit to bring goods from abroad without paying taxes is U$ 500. So, if you plan on coming to Brazil, let me know! Thanks! Cheers

  • Sorry for the delay, viabcrose. Thanks a lot, but I would pay taxes even in private parcel (unless the total amount is less than 50 dollars, including shipping).

    But anyway, got me a Voodoo Lab CGP yesterday night. Spent about forty minutes and it was all configured in Performance mode. Took it to rehearsal today, and it worked beautifully! Muche cleaner setup than the FCB (with the uno4kemper), IMO. Only downside is that I don't see the tuner. However, I will just use a Polytune (much prefer it than the tuner display on the FCB).

    Will try to set up an expression pedal I have laying around here for some wah this afternoon.

    Thanks for the help everyone!

    Cheers from Brazil

  • Thanks a lot, but I would pay taxes even in private parcel (unless the total amount is less than 50 dollars, including shipping).

    Got it. Just out of curiosity, how can they determine the value for a private parcel? Will they open all the private parcels at the customs? And, if I send you a gift from abroad, you shall pay taxes on it? 8|

    This sounds a bit like inheriting a house in Italy... we all hope it won't happen (because of the related taxation LOL).

  • I have the GCP and yes you can turn the effects on and off, you can also have the light correspond to,the Kemper. As well you could toggle all effects on or off on the Kemper with on button press if you want too. Another nice touch is I only need one expression pedal and all I need to do is have the GCP tell it which CC to send for the patch I am on. Plus I can control other midi devices at the same time on different channels.
    i also use the EFX8 so I can can control my stomp boxes with the GCP at the same time, the bonus to that is I only need one cable to the GCP that supply's power and midi (you can also do this with the GCX).

    The GCP is a great way to go for midi commands