Attention NEW: 4.0.6 Release Build 12421

  • I will highly recommend to make a backup before update.
    At minimum one of my performances was overwritten with another existing performance.
    Not really a problem if you have a backup.

    Edit: it was the performance I worked with before updating. It was overwritten with the first.

  • The backup-procedure in the previous 4.0.6 build is rather confusing. When I push backup to start the procedure the attached Kemper remote reboots and ends up in connecting state until the backup is complete. The backup and restore buttons are blinking but there is no progress-indicator on the profilers display. I first suspected some form of malfunction and pulled the usbstick to abort the backup. On the second attempt I was more patient and found that the backup would complete eventually, with the remote returning to normal.

    I did OTOH not experience any new anomalies after reboot. The initial performance that is opened after boot isn't properly initialised just like it has been for the last number of releases. One has to switch to a different performance and back to get all rigs to sound properly.

  • The "Announcements from Kemper" link always has the latest update information. I hit the Kemper page once a day and check to see if they've announced any firmware changes. Probably a lot easier than Kemper sending an email to however many owners.

  • No, you can update KPA firmware too. I did it yesterday.

    Thanks - I did not recognize this function really.
    The day before yesterday I did as before.
    In the meantime I marked in the preference this option.

    I will see the next time.

    But anyway has nobody made the experience that datas in the performances get lost :?: