Monkymans Avatar closed

  • This forum is a Joke! ?(

    My solution: Moderators apologize to Monkey Man and request that he puts his avatar back.

    Monkey Avatars are not offensive. Don't reward crybaby squealers. Teach them to use an available tool "Ignore Button". You don't like monkey avatars, ignore it and you won't see it.

    Sorry Nicky, you're a very gracious man but this is rubbish, you were put in a bad spot by moderators requesting you take down your avatar, politely or not politely, it's still ill advised and wrong in every way. In my world, they owe you an apology for ""politely " taking away a privilege you're entitled to but in the world as seen in the picture below they don't owe you anything.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Nutshell version: Some didn't like some MM posts and decided to get back at him by complaining to the moderators that his avatar is offensive and should be taken down. Moderators "politely" requested from MM to take his avatar down, but never forced him. He took it down because the request came from moderators. My contention is, why not request that the cry babies use the ignore button and leave MM alone. A request from a moderator will certainly have a different weight and I don't see anything wrong with Moderators acknowledging that they made a bad call. Very simple!

  • Some were offended by my frequent off-topic offerings, usually in the name of humour, analogy or camaraderie, Calaban, a situation I remedied a month ago. Following that, I'm guessing the same people became irritated every time they saw my avatar and subsequently complained. In an ideal world, I'd implore those folks to embrace the concept of not judging others on past behaviours, but on who they are today. In this, non-ideal world, I chose merely to comply with their wishes - a small sacrifice in the name of peace and harmony.

    That's the best summary I can provide, mate. Hopefully anyone else new to this will be able to fully understand why I'm desperate for us to put this thing behind us, and how it came about, by reading the thread and explanations contained therein, should he or she so choose.

    Bottom line - this thing's over, and the sooner we all cut the mods a little more slack and lay off the implied heat, the more and sooner I reckon they'll respond in kind. I've already noticed, and it could just be my imagination but I don't think it is, a more-forthcoming, approachable, personable flavour's creeping into their manner of handling the wildlife in our little jungle. I could be jumping the gun a little, but this is what I've noticed just in the past few days, and it can't be a bad thing IMHO.

    That's some serious forum bromance right there :D

    I know, right? LOL

    I do love Ingy 'though. <3

    Well, I'm out of the monkey business too, now... And have taken the opportunity to finally throw up a photo of me instead (pun not intended, no matter my dubious looks!)

    I always pictured you as looking older, Michael, 'cause you're so mature, intelligent and knowledgeable with the whole AE thing. Kudos to you, brother. I know. Another bromance? LOL

    EDIT: Dean beat me to it. That's the tell-it-like-it-is Dean version. I've always respected Dean's call-it-as-I-see-it, gutsy nature; he's used it to great effect in defending our beloved Kemper in modeller debates in the past, and no doubt will do so in the future.

    Either way, Calaban, you're fully up to speed now, having been delivered the politician's as well as the local scoop reporter's version. LOL

  • Yeah, Dean's picture is hilarious IMHO!

    Skoczy, brother, you know I've always respected you. Nothing's changed there, mate. I admire your principled stance.

    Honestly, I'm honoured and not fussed for you to continue just as you have. You've not created a fuss or flung poo around the place, and it makes me feel more at home to see my face around the joint.

    It's funny, sometimes I get our posts confused. I think I've answered things when I haven't! LOL Makes me smile every time 'though.

  • Heya Mankey Mon,

    Hope you are doing well :)

    Missed most of the drama... don't worry about the ppl that complained, their sad misery is their own.

    I feel bad for the mod that got suckered into their bad faith and malicious complaints, must be horribly embarrassed now.

    Good to see the forum rally and sort things out in a positive way as is unusually usual around here :)

    On a positive note, how about something like this for a new avatar, food for thought ;)

  • I always pictured you as looking older, Michael, 'cause you're so mature, intelligent and knowledgeable with the whole AE thing. Kudos to you, brother. I know. Another bromance? LOL

    Aw shucks... nice of you to say I look young. The small size of picture helps, I guess, as well as not being able to see the bald spots too clearly. Really, I'm just good at sorting through the information I've read and repeat what seems to be the truth :)

    My "old" avatar:
    [Blocked Image:]