Digitech Trio+ Using with stereo setup

  • The Digitech Trio+ is a fun device, however, it comes with a number of limitations - especially if you enjoy a stereo setup with the KPA.
    The only solution I have identified to be able to still play the KPA in stereo w/o the nasty sound interferences from the speaker simulation of the Digitech Trio is like this:

    a) Guitar >> KPA Input >> Stereo Out to Mixer >> Active Stereo Speakers
    b) KPA monitor mono out >> Digtech Guitar in (split with a Electro Harmonix A/B switchbox (A = active B = Dummy)
    c) Digitech Headphone out to Mixer >> Active Stereo Speakers

    For the generation of the Digitech Trio band part the KPA monitor out play right into the guitar in of the Trio (b)

    After generation the loops I shut down the monitor out to Digitech Guitar in with the EH switchbox. THen I hear my unmodified guitar signal from the KPA through a) in stereo. Of course the loops are mono (what is a shame if you want to develop nice delay stereo loops...:-(.

    Not the most elegant way but it works for me. I could also use my other Digitech loopers at the end of the chain in stereo, but w/o midi sync this seems to be a hassle.

    Any other solutions around for a KPA stereo setup and Trio?

    Cheers Sacapuntas