Can S/PDIF be used for routing to computer for plug-ins/processing?

  • I have been trying to read the manual to understand the signal S/PDIF/reamping signal flow, but dont quite get it, to say the least. What I would like to do is in effect to use S/PDIF in/out as an effects loop to connect to my MacBook where I have a number of effects plugins, then route the signal back to the KPA in the digital domain rather than doing an DA-AD out and back in again.

    If I set S/PDIF OUTPUT to Git / Stack, can I then process the right/processed signal in the MacBook and the send it back in the signal flow "where it left"?

    Or will the signal reenter at the input and the right signal is just for monitoring purpose while recording the dry signal for (later) processing.

    Thanks for any help!