No Cleans? Help!

  • Very odd, when I fired up my Kemper today ALL my profiles are either slightly or more gain-y than I left them. ALL of them! I cannot get a straight clean tone no matter what. Not bad sounds, per se, just not what I want and need. Even turning the Gain knob to zero on some profiles does not completely clean them up.

    Nothing else has changed, same guitars, same profiles, same settings, same hardware, etc.

    I have a rehearsal tonight and I need cleans, don't know what to do. Maybe a global reset?

    Any ideas?

  • An update, problem solved, but I have no idea how this could have happened.

    The output was clipping, badly, on all my profiles. Even after a global reset, the output was still waaayyy too hot. I've turned everything back down and now the cleans are fine, back to "normal," but how the output settings could have changed is a mystery.

    Anyone else experience their Kemper randomly jacking up the output?

  • Similar thing happened to me a while back. It was my clean sense. It crank itself up to maximum on its own. Was a mystery why this was happening.

    Has not happened since.

    Before I gig, I run through a few checks in the input/output/ system settings to make sure nothing has changed.

  • It's possible, but unlikely that I changed the master output, maybe the clean sens, something else, possible but not likely. However, I did a Global Re-Set and the problem persisted. I thought the re-set would return everything to factory original specs, hence correct the problem. Guess not. Once I figured out where the problem was I was able to fix it, but it would be great to get back to the original settings.