Killer profiles from RE I always come back to - AMPETE One

  • I have to share this with you guys, I just have to (my wife isn't listening any more; she said there is REALLY NO use for her of such information :) )

    Since I own the Kemper and fought myself throught the huge amount of free profiles from Rig Exchange - I ALWAYS come back to this great profiles and finally saved them to my "best of all" folder today:

    Ampete One Amp from a guy named roha.
    There are 4 profiles called ONE CL, ONE LO++, ONE HI and ONE HI++

    I like them sooooo much, really :D Am I the only one out there?

    Find out more of the real amp here:
    And search for these very usable, lovely, magnificent profiles in RE using keywords roha or ampete.

    I know taste is different, but am I wrong saying these are killer profiles from a killer amp?

    Whoever @roha is, thanks to you :thumbup: