Step by step EQ guide, which order

  • As Forrest Gump might say, "I am not a smart man, but I do know what tone is." I am having a hard time getting the sounds I want out of the Kemper.

    I play with the K240 headphones, mainly playing overdriven leads. I have many profiles that I like the base tone of but I am having a hard time shaping the frequencies to sound clear/present yet not thin.

    I have seen guides that say "cut the bass by 3db" etc on the pre-gain or something, but I don't know where to access this setting. My problem is finding what buttons access what parameters and which order to go about in doing EQ.

    I have had some success with the graphic EQ on the X button, but I really am just turning knobs without knowing what I'm really doing and without any idea of what value ranges are standard.

    I have been using a "pure solo" boost in the stomps section at about 1.5 db volume which has helped bring a bit more responsiveness to pinch harmonics.

    Is there a very easy to understand, step by step guide already out there for this? It's pretty overwhelming for me right now.


  • Well here's a quick 101 crash course to frequencies:

    0-40 Hz hum
    50-100 Hz thump
    100-200 Hz upper bass
    200-400 Hz mud/warmth
    400-800 Hz low mids
    800-1200Hz high mids
    1200-1500Hz pick attack
    2000Hz sharpness
    4kHz presence
    6-8kHz fizz
    10kHz air

    Best way to start is to sweep through frequencies with the eq with a narrow band, boost around 4-5dB. Look for frequencies that sound bad to you boosted, then cut those out 2-3dB. This way you remove frequencies that are masking the good base tone.

    Having the eq pre-gain (ie before the amp stack) you also remove distortion from those frequencies since they're not pushing the amps input anymore as much. After the amp stack in the x-slot you won't get this effect. Experiment which way you prefer.