Mbritt pack 2 too muddy to use?

  • Been playing big outdoor festivals with a major artist since April using mostly stuff from Mbritt pack 1,2 and 3. The head soundguy that tours with us is one of the top in the country and very respected. I caught him talking with the producer saying how my KPA sounds so ballsy and fat at the same volume compared to the Marshalls they usually used on the backline. Well, he thinks it's "the KPA" that sounds like this but really it's the profiles. Actually probably my two favorite profiles ever are from pack 2 (Ecstasy ch2 and Vibroking).

    I was listening to the tv broadcast and understood what he meant. I don't know what they did on the mixing board but it sounds magical. I'm feeling a bit like a fraud now because I barely did anything on these profiles and didn't take into account humbucker/single-coils etc, just loaded them in and from this recording (where I could barely hear anything while playing because my in-ears fell off), my sound now kills most of the other dudes who have been tweaking boutique pedalboards the size of my kitchen table for years.

    Anyway, I know what you mean though, when I wake up in the morning and run my sets in pyjama on my Rockit 5", they all have that similar sounding mud sound that can leave you in doubt but one can be certain they'll live up to the hype next time they are going to be blasted for dozens of thousands. For your specific needs, you might need to take your profiles from another source that focuses on clarity at low volume (lots and lots of great ones in the factory content or rig exchange imo).

    Most of us have wasted some cash trying to find our sound among the commercial profile jungle, I certainly did. But as far as MBritt goes, the only mistake I did was buying them before his recent price drop haha.

  • The first tweak I always check is the Definition. I try to find the low/high balance with that. After that, I will move to the eq knobs, which are pretty powerful. Since I dialed in my rigs to suit my ears, I usually don't have to make big changes, but I do try to keep the eq flat so that other users have more room to turn eq up or down to taste. Don't be afraid to turn the knobs a bit.

    yes, this is the key to a better or best sound!

    in addition, even this might sound too drastic, don't forget the chanche of using different cabinets.
    Some of my best sounds are obtained with Mike's profiles and Till's cabs.

    hang on to it! maybe you can post a sample of what you consider muddy...this might be of help to help you...

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I noticed this through headphones, but as has been stated here a lot. When I got to gig volume, profiles that had sounded wonderful on headphones were quite a lot too bright and the Britt ones just bloomed. I only use these for live now.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Thanks everyone. In the end Mike was kind enough to offer a refund. If I ever play at loud volumes I'll keep his profiles in mind as the base tones are without any issues. I guess for me at home with headphones it's just not the right match.

    Thanks for your advice and thanks to Mike for the stellar customer service!

  • yes, this is the key to a better or best sound!

    in addition, even this might sound too drastic, don't forget the chanche of using different cabinets.
    Some of my best sounds are obtained with Mike's profiles and Till's cabs.

    hang on to it! maybe you can post a sample of what you consider muddy...this might be of help to help you...

    I just tried changing cabs for the first time the other day and WOW! I agree with everyone that Mike's profiles sound a bit dark on my headphones (95% of my playing at home) but sound perfect live through the PA. I am now going through a bunch of the profiles previously deemed "too dark" on my headphones and changing the cab to one of Till's and now I'm getting the tones I only dreamed of getting before. Could never find a good plexi that I liked but the 3P Plexi + Klon 2.1- (I think) with Tills 1960 Cab "A" is tonal heaven to me.

    Highly recommend it for anyone who's having doubts. I bet the same goes in the opposite direction - using Mike's profiled cabs on profiles that end up being too bright live.

  • Once you figure out what kind of EQ tweaks are needed for your setup, you'll be hard pressed to find anything better (IMO).

    I've found that nearly every consumer profile needs a small amount of tweaking of the EQ to work right with my monitor setup.

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams