When You Are In A Rut...

  • Part 1- 'Preventive Medicine': Within whatever personal constraints you have, do your best to acquire a library of profiles. Somehow, always have more profiles of varying <everything> than you think you might ever use. This is key and with the rig exchange and commercial profilers (and this includes taking advantage of their free offerings), reasonably attainable within almost any budget.

    Part 2 - 'The Cure': Whenever you feel like you are in a funk, set aside some time to review the profiles you AREN'T playing, or haven't played in some time. If at all possible, USE them in your current musical situation.

    Part 3 - 'Therapy': Enjoy the magic when you find that profile or profiles that light the spark of inspiration.

    There is more to this than meets the eye or worth elaboration but lets just say that biting the bullet and setting aside the time this past weekend to set up two new performances (Marshall amp profiles by M. Britt and Breu M.) paid off gangbusters in tonight's band practice. I mean, off the hook. Same music, same setting, same everything but finding a new range of tones that works even better than the kick ass tones you had before. Well, we're talking major wood on all fronts and remembering that the little things are the little things, and as long as you can get to the magic, you're on the right trail.

    Epilogue: I'm now basically in a useage range of four amps in terms of general tone: AC 30, Fender Twin Reverb, Dumble Overdrive Special, and Marshall, but damn, adding that Marshall? My mistake for not including it sooner, and I'll report back when I get around to duking it out between the Britt and Breu profiles! :thumbup: