Last nights show

  • So last night my band had to play as a 4 piece, our bass player had surgery on his hand, so our rythem guitarist had to pull bass duty. I figured this would be the perfect time to experiment and run my kemper direct for the first time, and just first time at a show in general. I brought my vht 4x12 and poweramp set up just in case it didn't work out right. I had allot of my tube snob friends there to come and judge me, hahaha. The PA system wasent the best, I mean it's a hardcore show, no monitors really and mains was older carvin stuff. It sounded fantastic, the sound guy said we were the easiest band to work with and the kemper was plug and play. Everyone was convinced last night of the kemper ability and were amazed. My next step is to get a dxr10 if I had that I wouldn't of needed my backline. Sunday my last amp, my beloved pitbull goes and I'm 100% Kemper, after I profile the shit out of it today of course.

    I just wanted to share my experience, I am very picky with these computer devices. The kemper is the easiest and best sounding unit I have ever had the pleasure to use.