Need help with volume display on new OS

  • So, after updating to the new Beta OS, I notice that when I turn my master volume up and down, instead of giving me the decimal readings that showed me what volume I was at (3.0, 3.1, etc.), it now just gives me a bar graph that shows what my main volume looks like compared to the rest of my outputs. Is there any way to keep the newest OS but have it display the old display when I turn up and down my Master volume? This change is completely useless to me, but I used the old volume display a LOT to ensure that I was always in the same ballpark for my volume at gigs.

    If there isn't a way to do this, then how do I revert back to the OS that I had just before. I made a backup prior to updating, but if I reload that, does that just reload my performances and stuff, or will that replace the new OS with the one that was on the backup? This volume display is a deal breaker for me.

  • This has been discussed a little already in the PB-discussion thread, OhG, but you might want to provide your feedback too, mate. IMHO it makes sense that feature issues concerning the beta be concentrated in one spot; that way the team will certainly get to hear about them:

    FW Public Beta Discussion Thread

    As for your inquiry about rolling back the OS, yes, it's as you suspected - the backup file doesn't affect which FW is installed. I suggest you place the relevant .kaos file at the root level of your Kemper-formatted USB stick (not in any folder) and boot whilst holding down both page buttons.

    The display will read, "Booting and Burning from USB device".

    I don't think this is the "usual" method of doing the update / rollback, but I like to do it this way 'cause it "forces" the process in one simple move.

  • @OhG, you still see the numeric dB values of the different outputs in the Output menu.

    I'm confused. So I have to physically go into the Output menu in order to see the dB values? What I'm asking is, is there a way to have them show (like they used to), as soon as I turn the Master Volume knob. Right now, it just shows me a bunch of bars moving horizontally as I change the volume and it's completely useless. When I'm playing a gig and need to make adjustments, I need to know exactly where I am in terms of volume. I don't want pretty little bar graphs.

  • I'm confused. So I have to physically go into the Output menu in order to see the dB values? What I'm asking is, is there a way to have them show (like they used to), as soon as I turn the Master Volume knob. Right now, it just shows me a bunch of bars moving horizontally as I change the volume and it's completely useless. When I'm playing a gig and need to make adjustments, I need to know exactly where I am in terms of volume. I don't want pretty little bar graphs.

    Yes, at the moment you'd have to go to the Output menu to see dB values. If you don't like this and want dB values shown automatically please voice your opinion in the beta thread.

  • When I'm playing a gig and need to make adjustments, I need to know exactly where I am in terms of volume. I don't want pretty little bar graphs.

    Exactly! I have detailed this same sentiment on the thread mentioned above and suggest you post there instead as @Monkey_Man and @Ingolf and others have suggested. But I agree completely. Going to the Output menu to see dB's is not convenient. Read my comments there. My suggestion is a simple option button to display it either the old or the new way.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Yes, at the moment you'd have to go to the Output menu to see dB values. If you don't like this and want dB values shown automatically please voice your opinion in the beta thread.

    @lightbox - Ingolf's comment above contradicts yours. I was merely quoting him. He's most often right. Take it up with him.

    As to how many threads - I started a thread, was informed there already was one, so I relabeled it "Solved" as advised. I only then saw this new thread and, like Monky_Man and Ingolf, tried to redirect @OhG to the 'true' thread.

    So each of us, and now you, have commented on 3 threads in some way. Why you chose to be derogatory to me alone is puzzling, as you and I have only had very civil communications in the past. It is not appreciated. This thread should also be relabeled as 'Solved.'

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Ingolf's comment above contradicts yours

    No, it doesn't because this thread was about an intermediate version (July 3rd) where the Master Volume display didn't show any numbers but thin and long bars only. This has been changed with the latest Public beta (July 21st). :)
    So you're right, this thread (and the described issue) has been solved 1.5 weeks ago.

    The OP is happy with what we have now ... see his post after he checked the current Public beta:
    FW Public Beta Feedback Thread


  • No, it doesn't because this thread was about an intermediate version (July 3rd) where the Master Volume display didn't show any numbers but thin and long bars only. This has been changed with the latest Public beta (July 21st). :) So you're right, this thread (and the described issue) has been solved 1.5 weeks ago.

    The OP is happy with what we have now ... see his post after he checked the current Public beta:
    FW Public Beta Feedback Thread


    That's right. Since my comment the display has been reworked for the latest public beta.

  • My bad, I missed the intermediate public beta.

    Perfectly-understandable, Gaz, especially because we were all impressed by how quickly Kemper responded to the feedback provided in the previous beta's feedback thread; they were all over it like white on rice.