Presence Knob Behaving Strangely

  • I've logged a support call, but thought I should check here as well.

    The 4th knob under the display (the normal Presence control) is intermittent on whatever parameter it's adjusting. Sometimes I can turn it a quarter turn with no change to the display value, then all of a sudden it eventually jumps to the new value.

    Example: Trying to adjust the Presence to zero, slightly turn the knob and nothing. Turn a bit more, nothing. Turn a bit more, jumps to -4. It's almost impossible with that pot to get a zero value because it jumps around. The other knobs track really smoothly.

    Any of you experience this? Am I likely to lose my new KPA for a few months if I need it fixed?

  • Try to investigate if this is the case with both slow and fast turning. The knobs (or the software behind it, really) has built in acceleration - so if you turn a knob very slowly, it will react very slowly; whereas if you turn it fast, it will change fast. In that way, it's easy to dial in very small amounts precisely, while turning the knob faster will allow you to easily make bigger changes. Does that make sense?

    If this doesn't seem to be what you're experiencing, try to open a support ticket (there's a link in my signature)

  • Thanks. I've created a support ticket. They want me to upgrade to the new Beta OS and do a factory reset. If it's a hardware problem it's no KPA for me until Nov.

    It happens with both slow and fast turning, but usually starts happening once I start moving it slowly to fine-tune the parameter. It's only that knob, so I'm not optimistic. :(

  • Sorry to be the grim Kemper reaper here but I suspect a cold solder joint on that encoder or depending on the scanning scheme a bad encoder enable line connection or logic IC issue. Either way service maybe the order of the day. Sometimes it's the luck of the draw with electronic components. Doesn't mean all are bad just a few but that's no comfort when it's your device.

  • Thanks - yeah it's going to need a repair service. I applied the latest update and did a factory reset and it's still happening. The other knobs track properly.

    I need the amp at the moment though and just got it, so I can't send it back and be without for 8 weeks plus. I'll have to wait until I have a better backup option.

    As long as I do all my editing of titles via rig manager it's fine. Trying to use the knob to select text is not really possible most of the time.

  • Needless to say I'm not happy about the lack of testing that missed this and what else that might mean down the road, but the sounds are what I'm after, so I just need to always have a hot swappable backup to compensate for the lack of robustness.