Rig Manager Icon in Taskbar ( Windows 10 )

  • How do you create the taskbar shortcut icon? I tried by starting the program from the Start Menu, then pinning it to the taskbar, and I tried dragging a link to the taskbar from C:\Program Files\Kemper Amps\Rig Manager\Rig Manager.exe. In both cases the link remained valid after an update (Windows 10 x64).

  • each time I have to manually delete the task bar RM icon and pin the new one...

    I faced this also for win 10 but since 2/3 updates this issue disappeared at the desktop.

    But now I have the problem that my notebook can not update anymore.
    After agree to install I get a failure " to less storage."
    It's a window surface 3 with 4 GB Ram, win10/64Bit and no other programm is running.

    Have to prepare now for rehearsal and try tomorrow again. Maybe I need to contact the support.

  • Update:
    The automatic update did not work with my notebook. Again the failure to less storage. A look in the system shows me that 56% of RAM is used. (But this is a temporary value which could be another during the fail)
    At start file transfer I got error message - "to less storage."
    Then I transfered the setup file of my dektop to usb-stick and tried to run the setup from stick.

    This setup succeded with second trial but with the issue that the icon on desktop did not work anymore.
    I made a new icon and started. The programm crashed.
    I started the setup new. Now I choosed the repair option.
    Voila - I have a new version on my note book. :)

    To every body who want to tell me to contact the support I will inform as following.
    Had a similar issue (to less storage) with the last update and support answered quickly but could not help at the longer run.

    With a similar workaround - "try and error" I succeeded last time too.

  • Win 7

    Rm button in taskbar.

    After an update the taskbar button is out is. I have to delete it. Than a strange thing appears after updating the rm. I delete the old taskbar button and copy the new one to desktop. I will pick it up and connect it to the taskbar. The taskbar didn't accept the new button. After restarting the system i can connect the button to the taskbar.