Kemper in loop of amp problems???

  • For some reason, I can't get this to work right. Amp effects send to Kemper send, Amp return to Kemper return/alternate input ( there's two connections back there I think). I've tried putting the mono and the stereo loop in the X slot, and I get nothing, not sure what I am doing wrong here. I just want to use post amp effects some times with my "real" amp, not interested in 4cm or anything like that here, thanks!

  • Option 1:

    Amp FX Send would need to go to a KPA Input (for example, place the KPA FX Loop in the X Slot, and connect the amp FX Send to the KPA FX Return).

    The KPA Output should be connected to the FX Return of the amp.

    Option 2:

    If you want to be able to use KPA effects in X, Delay, and Reverb Slots, place the KPA FX Loop in a Stomp Slot, and turn the KPA Amp Stack Off.

    Option 3:
    If you want to be able to use both the KPA Pre- and Post- FX with your amp, and also have the BONUS option of setting up Rigs that use a KPA Direct Preamp profile instead of your amp's preamp:

    Guitar to KPA Input.

    KPA FX Loop in Slot D. (Slots A,B, and C are available for KPA pre-effects)

    KPA FX Send to amp input.

    Amp FX Send to KPA FX return.

    When you are using the guitar amp's preamp - KPA stack OFF.

    When you want to use a KPA Direct Preamp profile instead of your amp's preamp - KPA FX Loop OFF, and KPA Amp Stack ON.

    KPA Output to the Amp FX return.