What downloads are included in the most up to date OS?

  • I have ordered my kemper and I am due to receive it in the next few weeks. I am keen to hit the ground running and I already have rig manager and I am looking at the download section of the website.

    Can I make the assumption that all, if not all the majority, of the updates, rigs, effects and stomps listed on the download section of the site are included in the latest OS release?

    If not, which are included and which ones will I have to download and install myself?

    Thanks in advanced,


  • David

    When I received mine, not so long ago, it required a firmware update and the new delay and pitch presets adding.

    It's extremely easy to do just be aware updating firmware, adding rigs and adding additional pedal presets are 3 different steps.

    Read the Read Me file and you will be fine.

    Also whilst adding the presets search the forum for Wah Presets and add them too...... Well worth the effort.

    Have a USB drive at the ready to do everything outside of adding Rigs as you already have Rig Manager installed.
