newbie question

  • Ok, I'm new and this has been asked many times but to save me some time can someone explain to me the steps to get the rig manager to import profiles to my kemper? I did watch the tutorial for the rig manager but must be missing something.
    I downloaded the latest operating system 4.5.1 public beta and the latest rig manager 2.0. The rig manager comes up but when I double click it doesn't transfer? I am in browser mode. Any help would be great.

    Thank you

  • I understand bro, it took me three or four times to watch that tutorial before it finally hit home, Do watch it again on your computer when you’ve got your Kemper connected and ready to go… I believe the key is to copy and paste whatever profiles you want into ‘my profiler’ and they will automatically load onto your amplifier.
    Unfortunately, I’m not at home right now, but I would gladly help you out if you want to message me I will send you my phone number

  • Its dead easy...on Rig manager you should get a folder saying my profiler, just click and drag.

    If its to go into a performance, go into my performances and click and drag..

    Let us know if you get stuck.

  • Thanks Keith and V8guitaruser. My problem seems to be my profiler doesn't show up on my rig manager. I investigated and did see this has been a problem. Some are suggesting downloading the rig manager again. Tried that. Some say use the rig manager from the prior updated period. Tried that. Some said use a different port for my USB cable. Also tried. Still searching for answers. Any other suggestions would be great?

  • Thanks Keith and V8guitaruser. My problem seems to be my profiler doesn't show up on my rig manager. I investigated and did see this has been a problem. Some are suggesting downloading the rig manager again. Tried that. Some say use the rig manager from the prior updated period. Tried that. Some said use a different port for my USB cable. Also tried. Still searching for answers. Any other suggestions would be great?

    What kind of USB cable are you using? You should be using a cable to connect the USB Type B jack on the KPA, connected to a smaller, rectangular USB Type A jack on the computer.


    [Blocked Image:]

  • I did install the os4.5.1 but never heard of a formatted USB. How do I format a USB for the Kemper?

    Just plug it in to the KPA and the display should see it. From there you'll see some options for the USB stick, including formatting it (at the top of the screen, right below the soft buttons).

  • I've always been in browser mode when I've done anything with the USB stick, so I don't know if it's any different in performance mode. It's pretty painless, though, as even I could figure it out. :D

  • I did update the USB stick. I was using a USB printer cable to my computer. Do I need to use the formatted Stick or can I still use the printer cable? My profiler isn't showing up on my rig manager.
    I tried all the suggestions from a forum thread but nothing worked. Any suggestions?

  • So just to be sure - you're not plugging the cable into the same USB jack used for the stick, right? You have to use the type B as in the picture from Paults. The type A jack is for a USB stick, not Rig Manager.

    But you say you installed 4.5.1 so you must have the USB stick working?

  • Yes I checked to make sure my name is correct in the rig manager preferences. I am using the type A and B jacks correctly. If not my USB cord and stick wouldn't fit. I did send a email to support. I'm waiting on a reply. Ive had this working before. It was not a problem. I joined a band and started using my analog effects again so I wasn't using the Kemper. The only change is I have a new computer with windows 10. I am also using the most recent updates for windows.

  • I sent my problem to tech support. They said my problem is with a hardware defect. They gave me a return address label so I could ship it out to be fixed. Thank you all for trying to help.
