Input signal problem

  • Hi all!

    I hope you can help me to solve my Kemper issue as I'm kind of desperated about this. The Kemper suddenly lost the input signal and I haven't found the reason. I've tried both inputs (front and alternative) and neither of them are working.

    Last year I had a similar problem, no input signal received with strange noises (Problem with Kemper - Become Unusable) . I sent the Kemper for reparation and when they received it no problem appeared ( ?(?( ).

    Anyway, I tried to reset the kemper and install the last firmware but nothing worked. Any idea???

    Thanks in advance!

  • I have the same issue.
    Sometimes the input signal level all of a sudden drops to like 70% or so en later (a minute or so) it drops to 0%.
    I tried switching on/off all effects, change rigs, nothing helps.
    Only poweroff and on helps.

    Guitar and cable are ok and the Kemper tuner is showing signal and even with noise gate off (and noise gate stomp off) and input sens (both clean and distortion) set to the right settings. Only power off and on helps.

    Anyone familiar with this issue?

  • So far I see no evidence, that these are the "same issues". Complete loss of input signal is not the same as drop of output signal!? If you don't hear anything but the Tuner is still functional it's probably not an issue with the input signal.

    Check the following:

    Input LED - is the input LED still functional or dead or frozen?

    Input Source - while your Input Source is for example set to "SPDIF Input Reamp" the Front Input is still functional, but only until an SPDIF cable gets connected AND a synchronization signal is received at the Profiler's SPDIF In. So, the activation of your audio interface could cause the Front Input to mute.

    Volume Pedal - where is the level of the Volume Pedal controller in the System Settings? If that isn't at maximum, what is causing it? Which socket(s) is/are assigned to the function Volume Pedal? What is connected to those sockets? What if you disconnect pedals or disable unused sockets?

    Or is MIDI involved e. g. Control Change #7?

    Output LED - is this still reflecting a signal?.

    What is the level of the relevant output volume - not Master Volume - but for example Monitor Output Volume in dB?

    Does the issue affect all outputs or just one e. g. the Speaker Output?

    Have you checked the connected monitoring equipment ...cables, speakers....?

    Is the issue related to particular Modes or Rigs or Slots?

    Which software revision is installed? We are at 5.4.1 Release.

  • I took my Kemper to a workshop and the problem disappeared without any clue about what happened. This is the second time that I suffer from a problem like this and the truth is that I'm doubting now about the reliability of the profiler while using it live...

  • Quote

    So far we are completely lacking facts, that these issues are even caused by the Profiler.

    Even me! I have no clue about what happened but frankly I don't think that the better marketing strategy for Kemper is sending the balls out of the game saying that the issues are not caused by the Profiler. Some direct questions may help to understand the problem and find out how to avoid it in the future.

  • Burkhard, I thougth the list of questions was directed to MetalMauce.

    I answer below:

    Input LED - is the input LED still functional or dead or frozen? - The input LED shows no signal

    Input Source - while your Input Source is for example set to "SPDIF Input Reamp" the Front Input is still functional, but only until an SPDIF cable gets connected AND a synchronization signal is received at the Profiler's SPDIF In. So, the activation of your audio interface could cause the Front Input to mute. - - The Kemper was not connected to any audio interface just connected to the power amp. I tried two input sources ( input and alternative input) with teh same result.

    Volume Pedal - where is the level of the Volume Pedal controller in the System Settings? If that isn't at maximum, what is causing it? Which socket(s) is/are assigned to the function Volume Pedal? What is connected to those sockets? What if you disconnect pedals or disable unused sockets? - - No volume pedal connected to the kemper. I tried different patches with the same result.

    Or is MIDI involved e. g. Control Change #7? - - No MIDI involved in the problem

    Output LED - is this still reflecting a signal?.- - The output led shows no signal as there is no input affected

    What is the level of the relevant output volume - not Master Volume - but for example Monitor Output Volume in dB? - - No idea but the problem is in the input signal not in the output

    Does the issue affect all outputs or just one e. g. the Speaker Output? - - All outputs affected, main outputs, headphones,...

    Have you checked the connected monitoring equipment ...cables, speakers....? - -I tried different guitar cables with the same result

    Is the issue related to particular Modes or Rigs or Slots? - - No, the same behaviour in all the modes

    Which software revision is installed? We are at 5.4.1 Release. - - Last Release installed

    Thanks for your help Burkhard,

  • First of all let me say, that this list is generic. That's what I would check, if my signal would be gone. And then narrow in from there.

    Unfortunately, if the Input LED is dead or "hanging" and this happens on both inputs (Front Input and Alternative Input) with Input Source set accordingly, we have to assume an intermittent hardware defect. You ruled out cable and guitar issues. Potentially the same issue that you reported in 2016.

    Please open a support ticket and we will prioritize this case!

  • This is happening to me too. My Kemper cuts out to about 30% and then it just cuts to 0% while playing. The common denominator are my MusicMan Monarch Majesty Guitars (2X6 string and 1X7 string). This does not happen with my passive guitars. Is a shame that I am finding my self on this predicament because all this gear is extremely expensive. I am certain that it has to do with the guitar preamp. When the problem hapens the guitar starts behaving oddly. the Magnetic pickups become inverted in the way that neck becomes bridge position and bridge position becomes the neck. Some time the coil split just have no effect or the piezo volume becomes the entire system volume. When that start happening then it is predictable that the volume will cut off and only it it resets by cycling power. For the guitar to reset I have to remove the batteries, plug the guitar wait a few seconds and install the batteries. Them everything is back to normal but if plugged again is a matter of minutes before it cuts out again.

    In conclusion the MusicMan Monarch Majesty Guitar Pre Amp does not like the Kemper.

    If anyone knows of a solution to this I will be in debt to you. I like my KPA but I like the Majesties slightly more.

  • Guitars with active electronics aren’t a problem for the KPA - there are many people using EMGs, as well people who use Clapton Boost circuits.

    9991ab0f87af930c41002361c92c39459901044d from your description, it sounds to me like you may be inadvertently pressing the Mono/stereo mode Momentary switch on the back of the guitar (or it is being triggered by your onstage movements). If something causes the Momentary switch to change the guitar output to stereo while you have a mono cable connected to the guitar, it sees likely that you could have issues until it switches back to Mono.

  • Guitars with active electronics aren’t a problem for the KPA - there are many people using EMGs, as well people who use Clapton Boost circuits.

    9991ab0f87af930c41002361c92c39459901044d from your description, it sounds to me like you may be inadvertently pressing the Mono/stereo mode Momentary switch on the back of the guitar (or it is being triggered by your onstage movements). If something causes the Momentary switch to change the guitar output to stereo while you have a mono cable connected to the guitar, it sees likely that you could have issues until it switches back to Mono.

    Paul I just tried your recommendation yet it still cut off. Since I have three Majesty guitars and all three behave the same way I believe that it may be due to the proprietary on-board electronics on the Music Man Majesty. As you pointed out not related to EMGs or Fender booster circuits.

    Any other Ideas?

  • It appears, the output of this Monarch Majesty can be used in mono and stereo configurations.

    How is it set and are you using a TS (mono) or a TRS (stereo) cable to connect the guitar to the PROFILER? Have you tried a TS cable?

    Which input are you using? Front INPUT or ALTERNATIVE INPUT? The rear input is balanced. I'm wondering if you are perhaps playing a stereo signal into a balanced input.

  • It appears, the output of this Monarch Majesty can be used in mono and stereo configurations.

    How is it set and are you using a TS (mono) or a TRS (stereo) cable to connect the guitar to the PROFILER? Have you tried a TS cable?

    Which input are you using? Front INPUT or ALTERNATIVE INPUT? The rear input is balanced. I'm wondering if you are perhaps playing a stereo signal into a balanced input.

    Majesty in Mono configuration with a TS cable. I have tried four different cables all same brand (live wire). I have been using the front input exclusively. I could try the rear one.

    Is the front KPA input stereo compatible? I do not have a TRS cable but I could get one an try.

  • Resolved

    I have connected my wireless system in front of the Kemper and it worked correctly. Reconnected the cable and a minute later it cut out. This made me suspicious of a signal bleeding back to the Majesty pre amp. I shot the voltage at the input jack and got 0 VDC and .03 VAC. I compared those results to a Fender Blues Deluxe and BlackStar HT60 MKII and got the same results. Since the Majesty has a TRS output, I got suspicious that the jack from my cable may be the problem. I Compared to the jack of my Audio Technica transmitter pack to the Live Wire instrument cable, the gap between the tip (center conductor) and the post (common) of the jack look to be less and slightly compressed in the instrument cable. The jack on the Wireless is a switchcraft while the cable is unbranded. All my cables are Live Wire, so had to buy a new one. Got me a quality Diaddario instrument cable, paid quite a bit for it. Now I have been playing for a couple of hours frustration free and without signal loss.

    I suspect the the output jack of the Majesty, been TRS, that a compressed and or reduced gap between the center conductor and the post of the cable jack could cause a short between the magnetic pickups and the piezoelectric conductor. This would allow the output signal from the guitar to bleed back to the pre amp of the guitar causing it to act up and finally cut off. Also it explains why this did not happened with my other guitars since they have TS outputs. Although the Majesties did not experience any problems with my other amps. I believe the Kemper is much complex than any amp in the market today and so is the Music Man Majesty. May be that makes them more sensitive.

    Though I share this with you all as it may as well help someone in a similar situations.