Remote screen went dim tonight -help

  • My remote screen went dim and the writing almost scratchy looking for band practice. I restarted the unit and although it worked fine it did not fix it. When I came up to the house and plugged it into my other KPA it worked fine -ideas?

  • I wonder if the screen contrast setting is stored in the KPA and not on the remote. If so, then it could have been altered at band practice to a dim setting but still correct at home. Just a thought otherwise, the old fallback > support ticket. Good luck.

  • I did create a ticket and they said the dial on the remote must have moved. I tested that this am in the house and boom it looked like what a I saw so I'm sure I bumped it. I forgot there was even a dial there.

    There's only one spot that you would use it so what would purpose is there for having a dial that only seems to adjust it out of focus?