MSB select - midi out

  • May I ask for more explanation, what exactly the intended setup and the purpose is?

    The Profiler itself can receive LSB (Least Significant Bit) plus program change to address all 625 Slots in Performance Mode. So the Profiler doesn't use MSB.

  • Hi, Burkhard
    I use a double setup.

    My guitar signal is split towards the Kemper and towards a Marshall tube amp.
    The problem I encounter is that I also have a G-System in the effects-loop of the Marshall and the G-System needs a MSB message if I want to control it with the Kemper remote.

    I use the remote in performance mode and for each slot I also have to change presets on the G-System, otherwise I have to manipulate both floorboards for each song.
    I can make it work in the opposite direction but I would prefer to have the Kemper remote control everything. Doing so, I can eliminate the G-System floorboard in my live rig.

  • I checked the G-System manual. I didn't find any reference to MSB and how the internal presets are organized. It appears, the G-System has 100 factory presets and space to memorize another 200 user presets. Is it three MIDI banks (MSB 0-2) with 100 presets each (program change 0-99)? Do you know? In it's MIDI chapter the G-System manual doesn't mention MSB. It's also not mentioned in their MIDI implementation table. What they call "Bank" in their preset list - each bank has five presets - is not MIDI related. That's not MSB.

    MSB and LSB are used to extend the address room, if 128 program changes are not sufficient. Normally MSB and LSB are redundant. In other words, MIDI program changes are sufficient to load presets as long as you don't need to switch to another MIDI bank. Therefor I'm assuming, you could organize your sounds for example in the first 100 user presets of the G-System and let the Profiler send just program changes to switch amongst those 100 presets.

    Why is that not possible and sufficient?

  • The table on page 50 seems to confirm my assumption:

    MSB ....................Program Change
    0 .........................0-99................................... 100 Factory Presets
    1 .........................0-99................................... 100 User Presets
    2 .........................0-99................................... another 100 User Presets

    If you store your sounds in the 100 User Presets of one of those two MIDI Banks either MSB 1 or 2, you don't need to send MSB all the time. Program changes should be sufficient to switch within the same MIDI Bank. Worst case you need to manually load one of the presets inside the intended MIDI Bank at the beginning e. g. before the concert. From then onwards the Profiler could trigger loading one of up to 100 different sounds of the G-System.

  • Hi, Burkhard.
    Thank you for trying to solve this.

    The G-System needs a MSB before the PC to know what bank it has to send the PC to.
    i.e. the same PC's are used in the 3 banks so it can not differentiate.

    If you send no MSB, PC's are sent to bank 0 which contains the factory presets.

  • I understand, that this is the case after a restart of the G-System. It defaults back to MSB 0 during the restart.

    But what if you manually select and load for example preset 150 in the G-System, which is within MSB 1? Can't you then load presets within MSB 1 (100-199) with simple program changes? The Profiler for example stays in the current bank, until you actively send another bank select. Does the G-System really default back to MSB 0, which are the factory sounds, the user cannot modify?

  • My apologies for reviving an old thread, but... Did the solution suggested above work? I happen to want to use my good old G-System alongside Kemper, too.

    Many thanks!
